As more and more people are being diagnosed with stress and similar health problems, the effect of well-being on both physical and mental health is recognised as increasingly important.

Our research examines aspects of well-being, including what actions people take to improve their well-being (some of which are well-known but may not little scientific basis or understanding behind them).

We also work in related areas such as risk, judgement and decision makinghealth behaviour, emotion, and relationships, sex, and attraction.


Selected papers

Someone wearing shorts standing in front of a body of water. Their right leg is a prosthetic leg with a Union Jack pattern, and their left leg has a tattoo of a hand pointing and the words "I'm with stumpy".
Impact: Improving the lives of military veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

We developed a programme that goes beyond traditional therapy to help veterans overcome the symptoms of PTSD, which in turn has helped them with employment, further education, and personal relationships.

Read our case study