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Why do we forget?

What limits our ability to remember?

We are particularly interested in the memory processes that allow us to maintain information in mind from moment-to-moment (i.e., visual and verbal working memory), the recall and recognition of episodic events over longer timescales (real world and laboratory experiences over intervals between minutes and years), and the learning, recognition and retrieval of semantic knowledge (e.g., words, names, faces, voices).

We are also interested in comparing memory in older and younger adults, comparing memory in typically and atypically developing children, and comparing memory between human and non-human animals.

We conduct both theoretical and applied memory research, with interests in understanding age-related declines in memory and using technology to help understand and augment human memory. We also carry out research in related areas including neuro-cognitive disorders, and development.

Recent papers

A motorway with an accident involving a tractor and a lorry on the left side, with a traffic queue trailing off into the distance.
Impact: Mobile app improves road accident reporting

Our research was used to help develop an app for use by police officers at accident scenes, improving data collection which can be useful for road safety campaigns, and reducing the risk of unreliable recollection away from the scene.

Read our case study