We change as we age

To better understand how we experience, think and interact with the world, it is important that we study how these processes change over time.

Our members of staff working on psychological changes across the lifespan study the development of perceptual and cognitive abilities in infants, children and older adults. They are interested in answering questions such as:

They rely on the latest cutting-edge methodologies to examine the links between brain and behaviours across the lifespan.

For example, they use functional near infrared spectroscopy to study how the infant brain processes the social world, and magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the link between adolescent brain development, body perception and psychopathology. They also measure muscle activity to understand the developmental mechanisms underlying imitation.

Our Essex Babylab, the leading infant research centre in the East of England, is where we carry out our fun studies with infants and children. Academics studying development also carry out research in related areas such as interoception, action understanding, and emotion.







A photo of a baby standing up and reaching for some bubbles floating in front of it, with "University of Essex Babylab" in red and purple text on the left.
Essex Babylab

The Essex Babylab works to understand how babies and infants grow and develop, from learning to understand language through to becoming social, and how best to support new parents.

Learn more about Essex Babylab