Experiencing the World

Action understanding

A figure jumping across some orange rocks with a wide blue sky above.

How can infants predict other’s actions?

  • How does mimicry develop from infancy to toddler-hood?
  • What happens when we observe someone who is in pain?
  • What are the neural correlates of fear-related action outcomes?
  • Does seeing your skin improve your touch?
  • How can internal body signals guide our upcoming actions?
  • How is goal-oriented behaviour represented in the brain?

These topics and many more are explored by our world-known staff using a wide variety of methodologies including TMS, MEG, EEG, psychophysics, and behaviour. Our academics also research related areas such as interoception, development, and vision, and several are members of the Essex Babylab.







A photo of a baby standing up and reaching for some bubbles floating in front of it, with "University of Essex Babylab" in red and purple text on the left.
Essex Babylab

The Essex Babylab works to understand how babies and infants grow and develop, from learning to understand language through to becoming social, and how best to support new parents.

Learn more about Essex Babylab