Practice Handbook

The  practice education handbook sets out the policies and procedures governing Physiotherapy Placements and information to inform practice educator and students expectations of placement experiences.

Assessment documentation

From October 2023 onwards, we will be using CPAF for placement assessment. CPAF documents are accessed and completed directly from the students/Apprentices ePAD.

BSc students complete three level 5 and three level 6 placements. MSc students complete two level 5 and four level 6 placements. Apprentices complete 2 level 5 and 2 level 6 placements.

In Danger of Failure

We operate a specific process for raising and managing concerns about students’ attainment during practice education.  It must be adhered to at all times.

If you have concerns, at any stage of a placement, about a student’s performance and attainment you must contact the practice education lead  immediately on 07785286371.

Do not email, ring another number or contact a visiting tutor. Doing anything other than this will compromise our ability to respond and put in place additional support the student or educators may need in order to rectify the situation.

Guidance regarding the DoF process can be accessed here.

Fitness to Practice

All University students are required to comply with University conduct regulations. Additionally, Physiotherapy students have further responsibilities placed upon them regarding not only their conduct but also their professional suitability, as outlined in the relevant HCPC and CSP codes of practice.

Anyone (practice educators, members of the public, academic staff, etc) who perceives students not meeting these responsibilities can invoke the Fitness to Practise Procedure.

Further information can be found  here.

Contact the practice education team on 07785286371 if you have any questions or concerns in this regard, who can support you with this process.

Student tasks to be completed on placement

On each placement, students and Apprentices are required to complete at least one reflection on an aspect of their placement experience. This can be shared with practice educators and/or the student’s university tutor for formative feedback, with the aim of supporting the students’ reflective thinking and writing skills. They are also required to complete a skills journal and clinical reasoning forms. More information can be found in the placement handbook and the students/Apprentices ePAD.