Take a module as part of your course
All undergraduate university degrees are made up of multiple modules. Each year these modules will change and your focus of study will be in different areas. Some of these modules are compulsory to your course and others are optional, meaning you can choose the areas of study you want to concentrate on. The modules below are optional modules available to students in specific departments of the university.
CS316: Democracy in Action
Who is this available to?
Study level - All final year undergraduate students in the Faculty of Social Science and Arts and Humanities.
Campus - Colchester and Southend
Study mode - On Campus only
Module information
If you are an undergraduate student in the faculty of Social Sciences or Arts and Humanities and are going in to your final year of study, you can choose to take module CS316: Democracy in Action. It is a full year module allowing you to do your final year project in an innovative and interdisciplinary way. The module seeks to give you the possibility to better understand your community, the issues it confronts and how to address them. This module engages you in how to make change through community organising and supports you in developing and running your own community organising campaign and holding power holders to account.
There is an application process for this module and if accepted, you will then be able to select the module on eNROL.
For further information and how to apply, please contact democracyinaction@essex.ac.uk.
Short Term Placement: Research and Work-based Learning
Who is this available to?
Study level -
Essex Business School students only
Undergraduate students in final year (Module BE944-6-FY-CO)
Postgraduate students (Module BE970-7-PS-CO)
Campus - Colchester and Southend
Study mode - On Campus only
Module information
In collaboration with external community-focused organisations this module gives you the opportunity to work with community organisations on research briefs which will support those organisations in their work. The organisations will develop an idea of what they require you to do and you will work on that research brief in your final year project instead of a dissertation. Through this process you will meet with the organisations and develop a full understanding of what is required by the organisation and undergo research methods training. This may involve undertaking a literature review for the organisation, conducting analysis of the organisations financial and funding position, developing a marketing plan for the organisation, conducting a social return on investment, interviews with staff or volunteers and analysis of ways to improve the organisation, or campaigning with an organisation for social change (these are just some examples and the project could include many other dimensions beyond this depending on what the organisations wants to look at).
This will help you to understand how to fulfil the requirements of an organisation, develop work experience by developing a project for an organisation, and engage with the diverse economy as the research placement will be with a community-based organisation, opening up options for employment in the future. This will help you in developing confidence in working with external organisations and develop an understanding of communities and relevant social, political and economic issues that impact communities. You will develop knowledge, skills and experience which can boost employability prospects and help you become an active citizen and learner outside of the classroom.