Dr Ann Addison

abaddi@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872209
5A.211, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Module taught LW255
Dr Ann Addison is a Lecturer in The Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies. Her research focuses on the history, comparison and contemporary application of psychoanalytic concepts, with particular reference to the work of W.R. Bion and C.G. Jung. She is interested in the interface between the individual and society, and in the possibility for mutual interplay between psychoanalytic concepts and understandings and legal processes. In 2016, she was awarded a PhD for her research, A Study of Transference Phenomena in the Light of Jung’s Psychoid Concept, and she has since published a book on this subject, Jung’s Psychoid Concept Contextualised. Teaching subjects in her portfolio range through Jungian and Object Relations and other psychoanalytic theories; clinical techniques and reflective practice; psychoanalysis and the visual arts; applied psychoanalysis; and research methodology. As a Training Analyst, Society of Analytical Psychology, she also practises as a Jungian Psychoanalyst and Supervisor and has a clinical practice in London working with adults. Her varied career path covers psychoanalysis, teaching, research and the legal field of Intellectual Property. She has experience of working clinically in private practice, in the NHS and with business organisations, and of teaching, supervising and analysing psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic trainees. She has taught in the Central School of Speech and Drama, Birkbeck and Essex University. And , she has also practised in all areas of Intellectual Property with the city law firm Stephenson Harwood and a number of firms of Patent Attorneys. She is a founding member of Essex' Research Group on Psychoanalysis, Law, and Social Phenomena (https://www.essex.ac.uk/departments/psychosocial-and-psychoanalytic-studies/research/psychoanalysis,-law-and-social-phenomena), and co-author of Essex Law School's module, 'Law and the Unconscious'. Other positions she holds include the roles of External Examiner, Birkbeck, University of London, and Co-Editor-in-Chief of the international peer review Journal of Analytical Psychology. Registrant of the British Psychoanalytic Council; Registrant of the International Association for Analytical Psychology. Formerly, a consultant in the field of Intellectual Property, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys, and Member of the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office.
PhD University of Essex, (2016)
University of Essex
Lecturer, Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex (1/9/2021 - present)
Other academic
External Examiner, School of Social Sciences, Birkbeck, University of London (1/10/2022 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Psychoanalysis and law
Psychoanalysis and its application in the arts
The relationship of body and mind in psychoanalysis
Comparative studies relating to C.G. Jung and W.R. Bion
Implicit theories in psychoanalysis
Historical, philosophical, social and cultural contexts of the work of C.G. Jung
Conferences and presentations
The transference field in Jungian analysis
Invited presentation, Psychoid Processes and the Mind-Matter Problem: Revisiting Carl Jung and Commemorating Giles Clark, Psychoid Processes and the Mind-Matter Problem, Ascona, Switzerland, 12/9/2024
Response to paper by Joseph Aguayo
Invited presentation, Jung-Bion Dialogue Conference in Los Angeles, Jung-Bion Dialogue Conference in Los Angeles, 15/6/2024
Without Memory and Desire
Invited presentation, Round Table Discussion, Rome, Italy, 14/10/2023
Jung, Bion and WWI
Invited presentation, Jung-Bion Conference, Colchester, 16/9/2023
Jung, Bion and the Fate of Emotional Experience
75th Anniversary of the C G Jung Institute, C G Jung Institute, Zurich, Switzerland, 2/7/2023
Implicit theories in the consulting room and the Psychoid concept, a body/mind phenomenon
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, The Analytic Group of the Society of Analytical Psychology, London, United Kingdom, 1/3/2021
The Psychoid as a Basis for Analytical Attitude
Invited presentation, Analytical Psychology Meets Academic Research, Avignon Conference 2018, 2018
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Law and the Unconscious: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue Between Psychoanalysis and Law (LW255)
Living a Good Life: Critical Approaches to Wellness and Happiness (PA107)
Counselling Skills and Therapeutic Work (PA210)
Long Essay (PA213)
Trauma and Recovery: A Psychodynamic Approach (PA223)
Psychodynamic Theory and Practice (PA961)
Psychodynamic Theory and Practice 2 (PA963)
Using Psychosocial and Psychodynamic Thinking in Practice (PA964)
Different Approaches (PA966)
Personal Development (PA967)
Professional Development 1 (PA968)
Jung in Contexts: Historical, Philosophical, Cultural (PA972)
Key Concepts in Jungian and Post-Jungian Analytical Psychology (PA973)
Selected Applications of Analytical Psychology (PA974)
Research Methods and Dissertation (PA981)
Critical Analysis of Psychodynamic Theory and Practice (PA121)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/6/2024
Journal articles (6)
Addison, A., (2022). Jung, Bion and social phenomena: Intra-psychic dynamics, inter-psychic dynamics or something else?. Funzione Gamma
Addison, A., (2017). Jung’s psychoid concept: an hermeneutic understanding. International Journal of Jungian Studies. 9 (1), 1-16
Addison, A., (2016). Jung's psychoid concept and Bion's proto-mental concept: a comparison. Journal of Analytical Psychology. 61 (5), 567-587
Addison, A., (2015). Lament of the Dead: Psychology after Jung's Red Book by Hillman, James & Shamdasani, Sonu. Journal of Analytical Psychology. 60 (2), 281-285
Addison, A., (2009). Jung, vitalism and ‘the psychoid’: an historical reconstruction. Journal of Analytical Psychology. 54 (1), 123-142
Addison, A., (2008). L'Experience du Soi: Individuation ou Imitation Perverse. Cahiers Jungiens de Psychanalyse. N° 125 (125), 47-59
Books (1)
Addison, A., (2018). Jung’s Psychoid Concept Contextualised. Routledge. 1351376829. 9781351376822
Book chapters (3)
Addison, A., The Post-Jungians. In: Underlying Assumptions in Psychoanalytic Schools: A Comparative Perspective. Editors: Huppertz, B.,
Addison, A., The Post-Jungians. In: Underlying assumptions in psychoanalytic schools: A comparison. Editors: Huppertz, B.,
Addison, A., (2017). The nature of process. In: Kyoto 2016 Anima Mundi in transition: Cultural, clinical and professional challenges: Proceedings of the 20th IAAP Congress (2017). Daimon Verlag
Academic support hours:
Module taught LW255