
Professor Nelson Fernandez

School of Life Sciences
Professor Nelson Fernandez
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 873330

  • Location

    3SW.4.22, Colchester Campus



Career resume I did a BSc at Kings College (London), an MSc at Brunel University (London) and PhD (Immunology) at the Royal London Hospital (London). I worked for several years in the field of transplantation immunology at the Royal London supported by the MRC. In 1990, I was appointed as a lecturer in Immunology in the School of Life Sciences at the University of Essex. In 1999 I was promoted to Reader and in the year 2000 to Professor.Teaching I teach immunology for undergraduate and post-graduate courses in the School of Life Sciences. Over the years I have supervised over 35 PhD doctoral students. I created and I am currently the module organizer and lecturer of two core undergraduate BSc modules. The modules are: (1) Immunity in Health and Disease (BS223, essential for the accreditation of students enrolled in a Biomedical Sciences degree) and (2) Molecular and Developmental Immunology (BS326) for 3rd year BSc students. I also created the module Issues in Cell and Molecular Biology (BS304 and BS306). In 1999 I was awarded a Teaching and Learning Innovation Award by the University of the Essex. I have received prizes and nominations (from students) for teaching excellence. Wider Involvement I have been Director of the Cell Bio imaging Facility, Head of Molecular Medicine and recently Graduate Director in the School of Life Sciences. In 1996 together with Professor G. Voissin (Paris) I participated in the foundation of the European Society of Reproduction Immunology (ESRI). In September 2005 we hosted the 3rd European Congress in reproductive immunology at the University of Essex. In 2007, at the European Reproductive Congress in Germany, I was elected as member of the ESRI executive council. Key research interests: Cell-surface organization of immunoreceptors encoded by the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC). Single particle imaging and cell bioimaging for the study of receptor associations. Role of MHC in pregnancy development and embryonic tissues. Role of PIF in regulating MHC expression during development. The cooperation of CD14, Toll-like receptors in bacterial infection. Role of CD74, MHC and tumour progression.


  • PhD University of London,


Other academic

  • Professor, University of Essex (30/9/2000 - present)

Research and professional activities

Current research

The biochemistry and physiological role of protein-protein interactions of immunological receptors.

Response to infection by LPS and gram-negative bacteria and CD14 and TLR interactions;

Immunological aspects of reproductive immunology.

inhibitory loops via CTLA-4 expressed on monocytes.

Human autoimmunity and glucocorticoid receptors.

Conferences and presentations

Innate immunity,  seasonal coronaviruses and SARS-CoV-2

Immunopharmacology convention 2023, 16/6/2023

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Transferable Skills in Life Sciences (BS143)

  • Biomedical Science: Practice and Employability (BS214)

  • Immunity in Health and Disease (BS223)

  • Issues in Biomedical Science (BS306)

  • Molecular and Developmental Immunology (BS326)

  • Professional Skills and the Business of Biosciences (BS985)

  • Research Project in Biomedical Science (BS831)

Previous supervision

Ijaz Miah
Ijaz Miah
Thesis title: An In-Depth Review on the Structure and Functionality of the Zinc Finger Protein Zfp36L and its Role in Gene Regulation.
Degree subject: Molecular Medicine
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 28/3/2022
Veda Vinayak Hegde
Veda Vinayak Hegde
Thesis title: Zinc Finger Protein 36L1 (Zfp36L1): Gene Expression, Regulation and Interactions with Immune Receptors in Human Tumour Cells
Degree subject: Biological Sciences: Immunology
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 5/8/2020
Bander Ali H Khayyat
Bander Ali H Khayyat
Thesis title: The Recognition of Lipopolysaccharides Present in Gram-Negative Bacteria By Receptors of the Immune System
Degree subject: Molecular Medicine
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 28/1/2020
Kamaran Karim Mohamad
Kamaran Karim Mohamad
Thesis title: The Role of Poly (Adp-Ribose) Polymerase in the Regulation of Innate Recognition Immunological Receptors Expressed on Human Macrophages
Degree subject: Biological Sciences: Immunology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/7/2017
Niwedhie Jayangika Muhandiram Paluwatta Muhandiramalage
Niwedhie Jayangika Muhandiram Paluwatta Muhandiramalage
Thesis title: Mapping the Immunological Receptors Cd14 and Macrophage Receptor with Collagenous Structure (Marco) and Their Innate Recognition Potential on Trophoblast Cells: Relevance for Human Pregnancy.
Degree subject: Biological Sciences: Immunology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/9/2016
Soukaina Miya Hakam
Soukaina Miya Hakam
Thesis title: The Role of Soluble Factors Affecting the Major Histocompatibility Complex Class 1 Molecules in an in Vitro Model of Fetomaternal Interface
Degree subject: Biological Sciences: Immunology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/9/2016
Waleed Ibrahim A Alabdulmenaim
Waleed Ibrahim A Alabdulmenaim
Thesis title: Regulation of Cd74 Expression in Response to Human Interferon Gamma and Lipopolysaccharide on Human Trophoblast Derived Cells: Relevance for Human Feto-Maternal Tolerance
Degree subject: Molecular Medicine
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/8/2016
Shaza Alkhatib
Shaza Alkhatib
Thesis title: Investigation of the Immunological Differences Between Granulocytes From Healthy Donors and Breast Cancer Patients, with Respect to the Cancer Testis Antigen, Ctcfl
Degree subject: Molecular Medicine
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/4/2016
Hussain Mohammed M Al Ssadh
Hussain Mohammed M Al Ssadh
Thesis title: The Role of Immunological Receptors Cd74 and Cd44 in Association with the Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (Mif) on Human Breast Cancer Derived Cells
Degree subject: Molecular Medicine
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/3/2016
Waleed Sulaiman M Albihlal
Waleed Sulaiman M Albihlal
Thesis title: The Arabidopsis Thaliana Heat Shock Transcription Factor A1B Transcriptional Regulatory Network
Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/2/2016
Jayakumar Mani
Jayakumar Mani
Thesis title: Identification and Validation of Biomarkers for Breast Cancer From Human White Blood Cells
Degree subject: Biological Sciences: Immunology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/11/2015
Siamak Amirfakhri
Siamak Amirfakhri
Thesis title: Study of Immunological Receptors, Phagocytosis and Nitric Oxide on Neutrophils and Their Modulation with Breast Cancer Derived Soluble Factors
Degree subject: Molecular Medicine
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/3/2015
James Michael William Robert Mcelhinney
James Michael William Robert Mcelhinney
Thesis title: On the Workings of Albumin in Response to Bacterial Lipopolysaccharides
Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/12/2014
Gergana Borisova Metodieva
Gergana Borisova Metodieva
Thesis title: The Role of the Immune System in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Progression: Proteomics Investigation of the Molecular Mechanisms Underlining Cell Survival, Invasion and Metastasis
Degree subject: Cell and Molecular Biology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/8/2014
Pallavi Jain
Pallavi Jain
Thesis title: Study of the Interaction of the Cytoskeleton with Histocompatibility Molecules Expressed on Human Trophoblast Cells: Relevance for Feto-Maternal Tolerance and Pregnancy
Degree subject: Molecular Medicine
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/7/2014
Jamila Ali Hamed Alhoderi
Jamila Ali Hamed Alhoderi
Thesis title: Study of the Antigen Presentation Pathways Involved in the Recognition of Melanoma Specific Antigens By the Immune System
Degree subject: Biological Sciences: Immunology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/5/2014
Alyssa Nicole Blanch
Alyssa Nicole Blanch
Thesis title: The Expression and Function of Components of the Cell Cytoskeleton and Human Leukocyte Antigen-G in the Early Stages of Human Pregnancy
Degree subject: Biological Sciences: Immunology
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 1/5/2014
Abubaker Mohamed Moussa
Abubaker Mohamed Moussa
Thesis title: The Role of Lipopolysaccharide (And the Enzyme Poly(Adp-Ribose) Polymerase) in Regulating Innate Recognition Receptors of the Immune System
Degree subject: Biological Sciences: Immunology
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 16/10/2012
Faizaa Ali
Faizaa Ali
Thesis title: The Effect of Lipopolysaccharide on Human Scavenger and Cd14 Receptors: Role in Innate Recognition of Gram Negative Bacteria
Degree subject: Biological Sciences: Immunology
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 10/2/2012
Srivatsa Dwarakanath
Srivatsa Dwarakanath
Thesis title: Characterisation of Csor-Like Proteins in Streptomyces Lividans
Degree subject: Biochemistry
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 2/8/2011


Journal articles (114)

Alshomar, A., Ahmed, AA., Rasheed, Z., Alhumaydhi, FA., Alsagaby, S., Aljohani, ASM., Alkhamiss, AS., Alghsham, R., Althwab, SA., Khan, MI., Fernández, N. and Al Abdulmonem, W., (2024). Novel mutation in alpha-spectrin gene in Saudi patients with hereditary spherocytosis.. Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids. 43 (11), 1282-1301

Aljohani, ASM., Ahmed, AA., Althwab, SA., Alkhamiss, AS., Rasheed, Z., Fernández, N. and Al Abdulmonem, W., (2022). Gene expression of glutathione S-transferase alpha, glutathione S-transferase rho, glutathione peroxidase, uncoupling protein 2, cytochrome P450 1A, heat shock protein 70 in liver of Oreochromis niloticus upon exposure of microcystin-LR, microcystin-RR and toxic cyanobacteria crude. Gene Reports. 26, 101498-101498

Alsagaby, S., Ahmed, AA., Rasheed, Z., Althwab, SA., Aljohani, ASM., Alhumaydhi, FA., Alhomaidan, HT., Alkhamiss, AS., Alkhowailed, M., Alaqeel, A., Alblihed, MA., Alrehaili, J., Fernández, N. and Abdulmonem, WA., (2022). Association of genetic polymorphisms in DNA repair genes ERCC2 Asp312Asn (rs1799793), ERCC2 Lys 751 Gln (rs13181), XRCC1 Arg399 Gln (rs25487) and XRCC3 Thr 241Met (rs861539) with the susceptibility of lung cancer in Saudi population. Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids. 41 (5-6), 530-554

Alkhamiss, AS., Ahmed, AA., Rasheed, Z., Alghsham, R., Shariq, A., Alsaeed, T., Althwab, SA., Alsagaby, S., Aljohani, ASM., Alhumaydhi, FA., Alduraibi, SK., Alduraibi, AK., Alhomaidan, HT., Allemailem, KS., Alharbi, RA., Alamro, SA., Alqusayer, AM., Alharbi, SA., Alharby, TA., Almujaydil, MS., Mousa, AM., Alghaniam, SA., Alghunaim, AA., Alghamdi, R., Fernández, N. and Al Abdulmonem, W., (2022). Mucormycosis co-infection in COVID-19 patients: An update. Open Life Sciences. 17 (1), 917-937

Al Abdulmonem, W., Rasheed, Z., Aljohani, ASM., Omran, OM., Rasheed, N., Alkhamiss, A., A. M. Al Salloom, A., Alhumaydhi, F., Alblihed, MA., Al Ssadh, H., Khan, MI. and Fernández, N., (2021). Absence of CD74 Isoform at 41kDa Prevents the Heterotypic Associations between CD74 and CD44 in Human Lung Adenocarcinoma-derived Cells. Immunological Investigations. 50 (8), 1-15

Khodeir, MM., Shabana, HA., Alkhamiss, AS., Rasheed, Z., Alsoghair, M., Alsagaby, SA., Khan, MI., Fernández, N. and Al Abdulmonem, W., (2021). Early prediction keys for COVID-19 cases progression: A meta-analysis.. Journal of Infection and Public Health. 14 (5), 561-569

Al Abdulmonem, W., Rasheed, Z., Al Ssadh, H., Alkhamiss, A., Aljohani, ASM. and Fernández, N., (2020). Bacterial lipopolysaccharide induces the intracellular expression of trophoblastic specific CD74 isoform in human first trimester trophoblast cells: Correlation with unsuccessful early pregnancy. Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 141, 103152-103152

Al Ssadh, H., Alabdulmonem, W. and Fernández, N., (2019). The role of cluster of differentiation 74 in cancer and cancer immunomodulation. Scientific Journal of King Faisal University (Basic and Applied Sciences). 20 (1), 99-109

Ssadh, HA., Abdulmonem, WA., Rasheed, Z., Madar, IH., Alhoderi, J., Eldeen, SKN., Alradhwan, A., Alasmael, N., Alkhamiss, A. and Fernández, N., (2019). Knockdown of CD-74 in the Proliferative and Apoptotic Activity of Breast Cancer Cells.. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 7 (19), 3169-3176

Todorova, K., Metodiev, MV., Metodieva, G., Mincheff, M., Fernández, N. and Hayrabedyan, S., (2017). Micro-RNA-204 Participates in TMPRSS2/ERG Regulation and Androgen Receptor Reprogramming in Prostate Cancer. Hormones and Cancer. 8 (1), 28-48

Thaker, YR., Recino, A., Raab, M., Jabeen, A., Wallberg, M., Fernandez, N. and Rudd, CE., (2017). Activated Cdc42-associated kinase 1 (ACK1) binds the sterile α motif (SAM) domain of the adaptor SLP-76 and phosphorylates proximal tyrosines. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 292 (15), 6281-6290

Hakam, MS., Miranda-Sayago, JM., Hayrabedyan, S., Todorova, K., Spencer, PS., Jabeen, A., Barnea, ER. and Fernandez, N., (2017). PreImplantation Factor (PIF) promotes HLA-G, -E, -F, -C expression in JEG-3 choriocarcinoma cells and endogenous progesterone activity. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. 43 (6), 2277-2296

Al Ssadh, H., Spencer, PS., Alabdulmenaim, W., Alghamdi, R., Madar, IM., Miranda-Sayago, JM. and Fernandez, N., (2017). Measurements of heterotypic associations between cluster of differentiation CD74 and CD44 in human breast cancer-derived cells. Oncotarget. 8 (54), 92143-92156

Voong, CP., Spencer, PS., Navarrete, CV., Turner, D., Hayrabedyan, SB., Crummy, P., Holloway, E., Wilson, MT., Smith, PR. and Fernández, N., (2017). HLA-DR genotyping and mitochondrial DNA analysis reveal the presence of family burials in a fourth century Romano-British Christian cemetery. Frontiers in Genetics. 8 (DEC), 182-

Calix, RX., Ornaghi, S., Wilson, JH., Fernandez, N., Vialard, F., Barnea, ER. and Paidas, MJ., (2017). Prelmplantation Factor and Endocrinology of Implantation and Establishment of Early Pregnancy: A Contemporary View. Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews. 15 (2), 147-158

Calix, RX., Ornaghi, S., Wilson, JH., Fernandez, N., Vialard, F., Barnea, ER. and Paidas, MJ., (2017). Preimplantation factor and endocrinology of implantation and establishment of early pregnancy: A contemporary view. Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews. 15 (2), 147-158

Nikolaeva, MA., Babayan, AA., Stepanova, EO., Smolnikova, VY., Kalinina, EA., Fernández, N., Krechetova, LV., Vanko, LV. and Sukhikh, GT., (2016). The relationship of seminal transforming growth factor-β1 and interleukin-18 with reproductive success in women exposed to seminal plasma during IVF/ICSI treatment. Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 117, 45-51

Barnea, ER., Hayrabedyan, S., Todorova, K., Almogi-Hazan, O., Or, R., Guingab, J., McElhinney, J., Fernandez, N. and Barder, T., (2016). PreImplantation factor (PIF*) regulates systemic immunity and targets protective regulatory and cytoskeleton proteins. Immunobiology. 221 (7), 778-793

Amirfakhri, S., Salimi, A. and Fernandez, N., (2016). Effects of conditioned medium from breast cancer cells on Tlr2 expression in Nb4 cells. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 16 (18), 8445-8450

Hayrabedyan, S., Todorova, K., Jabeen, A., Metodieva, G., Toshkov, S., Metodiev, M., Mincheff, M. and Fern�ndez, N., (2016). Sertoli cells have a functional NALP3 inflammasome that can modulate autophagy and cytokine production. Scientific Reports. 6 (18896), 18896-

Amirfakhri, S., Salimi, A. and Fern�ndez, N., (2016). Estudy the Effect of Breast Cancer on Tlr2 Expression in Nb4 Cell. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 16 (18), 8445-8450

Barnea, ER., Kirk, D., Todorova, K., McElhinney, J., Hayrabedyan, S. and Fernández, N., (2015). PIF direct immune regulation: Blocks mitogen-activated PBMCs proliferation, promotes TH2/TH1 bias, independent of Ca2+. Immunobiology. 220 (7), 865-875

Tchórzewski, M., Lewkowicz, P., Dziki, A. and Tchórzewski, H., (2014). Expression of Toll-Like Receptors on Human Rectal Adenocarcinoma Cells. Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis. 62 (3), 247-251

Pérez, O., Romeu, B., Cabrera, O., González, E., Batista-Duharte, A., Labrada, A., Pérez, R., Reyes, LM., Ramírez, W., Sifontes, S., Fernández, N. and Lastre, M., (2013). Adjuvants are Key Factors for the Development of Future Vaccines: Lessons from the Finlay Adjuvant Platform. Frontiers in Immunology. 4 (DEC), 407-

Jabeen, A., Miranda-Sayago, JM., Obara, B., Spencer, PS., Dealtry, GB., Hayrabedyan, S., Shaikly, V., Laissue, PP. and Fernandez, N., (2013). Quantified Colocalization Reveals Heterotypic Histocompatibility Class I Antigen Associations on Trophoblast Cell Membranes: Relevance for Human Pregnancy1. Biology of Reproduction. 89 (4), 94-

Obara, B., Jabeen, A., Fernandez, N. and Laissue, PP., (2013). A novel method for quantified, superresolved, three-dimensional colocalisation of isotropic, fluorescent particles. Histochemistry and Cell Biology. 139 (3), 391-402

Todorova, K., Mincheff, M., Hayrabedyan, S., Mincheva, J., Zasheva, D., Kuzmanov, A. and Fernández, N., (2013). Fundamental Role of microRNAs in Androgen‐Dependent Male Reproductive Biology and Prostate Cancerogenesis. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 69 (2), 100-104

P�rez, O., Romeu, B., Cabrera, O., Gonz�lez, E., Batista-Duharte, A., Labrada, A., P�rez, R., Reyes, LM., Ram�rez, W., Sifontes, S., Fern�ndez, N. and Lastre, M., (2013). Adjuvants are Key Factors for the Development of Future Vaccines: Lessons from the Finlay Adjuvant Platform.. Frontiers in immunology. 4, creators-Fern=E1ndez=3ANelson=3A=3A

Karakikes, I., Morrison, IEG., O'Toole, P., Metodieva, G., Navarrete, CV., Gomez, J., Miranda‐Sayago, JM., Cherry, RJ., Metodiev, M. and Fernandez, N., (2012). Interaction of HLA‐DR and CD74 at the cell surface of antigen‐presenting cells by single particle image analysis. The FASEB Journal. 26 (12), 4886-4896

Spencer, PS., Hakam, SM., Laissue, PP., Jabeen, A., Jain, P., Hayrabedyan, S., Todorova, K., Blanch, A., McElhinney, JMWR., Muhandiram, N., Alkhatib, S., Dealtry, GB., Miranda‐Sayago, JM. and Fernández, N., (2012). Key Cellular Components and Interactive Histocompatibility Molecules Regulating Tolerance to the Fetal Allograft. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 68 (2), 95-99

Greenwood, C., Metodieva, G., Al-Janabi, K., Lausen, B., Alldridge, L., Leng, L., Bucala, R., Fernandez, N. and Metodiev, MV., (2012). Stat1 and CD74 overexpression is co-dependent and linked to increased invasion and lymph node metastasis in triple-negative breast cancer. Journal of Proteomics. 75 (10), 3031-3040

Hayrabedyan, S., Todorova, K., Pashova, S., Mollova, M. and Fernández, N., (2012). Sertoli Cell Quiescence – New Insights. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 68 (6), 451-455

Kyurkchiev, S., Gandolfi, F., Hayrabedyan, S., Brevini, TAL., Dimitrov, R., Fitzgerald, JS., Jabeen, A., Mourdjeva, M., Photini, SM., Spencer, P., Fernández, N. and Markert, UR., (2012). Stem Cells in the Reproductive System. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 67 (6), 445-462

Jabeen, A., Alkhatib, S., Hicks, CE., Uddin, T., Hakam, SM., Jain, P. and Fern�ndez, N., (2012). Extra-villous trophoblast cytoskeleton deformation under co-infection with viral and bacterial agents. Journal of reproductive immunology. 94 (1), creators-Fern=E1ndez=3ANelson=3A=3A

Lee, C., Lam, KKW., Koistinen, H., Seppala, M., Kurpisz, M., Fern�ndez, N., Pang, RTK., Yeung, WSB. and Chiu, PCN., (2011). Glycodelin-A as a paracrine regulator in early pregnancy. Journal of reproductive immunology. 90 (1, SI), 29-34

Shakhawat, A., Shaikly, V., Elzatma, E., Mavrakos, E., Jabeen, A. and Fernández, N., (2010). Interaction between HLA-G and monocyte/macrophages in human pregnancy. Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 85 (1), 40-46

Shaikly, V., Shakhawat, A., Withey, A., Morrison, I., Taranissi, M., Dealtry, GB., Jabeen, A., Cherry, R. and Fernández, N., (2010). Cell bio-imaging reveals co-expression of HLA-G and HLA-E in human preimplantation embryos. Reproductive BioMedicine Online. 20 (2), 223-233

Shakhawat, A., Shaikly, VR. and Fern�ndez, N., (2010). Anti-inflammatory interleukin-4 (IL-4) cytokine regulates human leukocyte antigen-G expression in a trophoblast cell line. Journal of reproductive immunology. 86 (2, SI), creators-Fern=E1ndez=3ANelson=3A=3A

Shakhawat, A., Shaikly, V., Mavrakos, E. and Fern�ndez, N., (2009). The protective roles of non-classical MHC class Ib HLA-G antigen against maternal macrophages. Journal of reproductive immunology. 81 (2), creators-Fern=E1ndez=3ANelson=3A=3A

Shaikly, VR., Morrison, IEG., Taranissi, M., Noble, CV., Withey, AD., Cherry, RJ., Blois, SM. and Fernández, N., (2008). Analysis of HLA-G in Maternal Plasma, Follicular Fluid, and Preimplantation Embryos Reveal an Asymmetric Pattern of Expression. The Journal of Immunology. 180 (6), 4330-4337

Krey, G., Frank, P., Shaikly, V., Barrientos, G., Cordo-Russo, R., Ringel, F., Moschansky, P., Chernukhin, IV., Metodiev, M., Fernández, N., Klapp, BF., Arck, PC. and Blois, SM., (2008). In vivo dendritic cell depletion reduces breeding efficiency, affecting implantation and early placental development in mice. Journal of Molecular Medicine. 86 (9), 999-1011

Blois, SM., Barrientos, G., Garcia, MG., Orsal, AS., Tometten, M., Cordo-Russo, RI., Klapp, BF., Santoni, A., Fernández, N., Terness, P. and Arck, PC., (2008). Interaction between dendritic cells and natural killer cells during pregnancy in mice. Journal of Molecular Medicine. 86 (7), 837-852

Shakhawat, A. and Fern�ndez, N., (2008). Effect of TNF alpha nd Interleukin 4 on HLA-G expression, cell proliferation and apoptosis of the human placental trophoblast Jeg-3 cell line. Immunology. 125, creators-Fern=E1ndez=3ANelson=3A=3A

Mavrakos, E., Morrison, IEG., Cherry, RJ. and Fern�ndez, N., (2008). Single molecule visualisation of the CD55, a decay accelerating factor, interaction with CD14 in the lipopolysaccharide signalling pathway. Immunology. 125, creators-Fern=E1ndez=3ANelson=3A=3A

Mavrakos, E., Kacharakkal, HJ., Yadav, N., O'Farrell, M. and Fern�ndez, N., (2008). The role of poly ADP-ribosylation in endotoxin-induced inflammatory processes in macrophages. Immunology. 125, creators-Fern=E1ndez=3ANelson=3A=3A

Cooper, JC., Dealtry, GB., Ahmed, MA., Arck, PC., Klapp, BF., Blois, SM. and Fernández, N., (2007). An Impaired Breeding Phenotype in Mice with a Genetic Deletion of Beta-2 Microglobulin and Diminished MHC Class I Expression: Role in Reproductive Fitness1. Biology of Reproduction. 77 (2), 274-279

Garcia, MG., Tirado-Gonzalez, I., Handjiski, B., Tometten, M., Orsal, AS., Hajos, SE., Fernández, N., Arck, PC. and Blois, SM., (2007). High Expression of Survivin and Down-Regulation of Stat-3 Characterize the Feto-Maternal Interface in Failing Murine Pregnancies During the Implantation Period. Placenta. 28 (7), 650-657

Blois, SM., Kammerer, U., Soto, CA., Tometten, MC., Shaikly, V., Barrientos, G., Jurd, R., Rukavina, D., Thomson, AW., Klapp, BF., Fernández, N. and Arck, PC., (2007). Dendritic Cells: Key to Fetal Tolerance?1. Biology of Reproduction. 77 (4), 590-598

Laskarin, G., Kämmerer, U., Rukavina, D., Thomson, AW., Fernandez, N. and Blois, SM., (2007). Antigen‐Presenting Cells and Materno‐Fetal Tolerance: An Emerging Role for Dendritic Cells. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 58 (3), 255-267

D'Arcy, V., Abdullaev, ZK., Pore, N., Docquier, F., Torrano, V., Chernukhin, I., Smart, M., Farrar, D., Metodiev, M., Fernandez, N., Richard, C., Delgado, MD., Lobanenkov, V. and Klenova, E., (2006). The Potential of BORIS Detected in the Leukocytes of Breast Cancer Patients as an Early Marker of Tumorigenesis. Clinical Cancer Research. 12 (20), 5978-5986

Morrison, IEG., Karakikes, I., Barber, RE., Fernández, N. and Cherry, RJ., (2003). Detecting and Quantifying Colocalization of Cell Surface Molecules by Single Particle Fluorescence Imaging. Biophysical Journal. 85 (6), 4110-4121

Fernández, EM., O’Toole, PJ., Morrison, IEG., Cherry, RJ. and Fernández, N., (2003). Interaction of HLA-DR with actin microfilaments. Human Immunology. 64 (3), 327-337

Karakikes, I., Barber, RE., Morrison, IEG., Fernández, N. and Cherry, RJ., (2003). Co-localization of cell surface receptors at high spatial resolution by single-particle fluorescence imaging. Biochemical Society Transactions. 31 (6), 1453-1455

Cherry, RJ., Morrison, IEG., Karakikes, I., Barber, RE., Silkstone, G. and Fernández, N., (2003). Measurements of associations of cell-surface receptors by single-particle fluorescence imaging. Biochemical Society Transactions. 31 (5), 1028-1031

Georgiou, G., Bahra, SS., Mackie, AR., Wolfe, CA., O’Shea, P., Ladha, S., Fernandez, N. and Cherry, RJ., (2002). Measurement of the Lateral Diffusion of Human MHC Class I Molecules on HeLa Cells by Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching Using a Phycoerythrin Probe. Biophysical Journal. 82 (4), 1828-1834

Sutton, JM., Clarke, OJ., Fernandez, N. and Boyle, RW., (2002). Porphyrin, Chlorin, and Bacteriochlorin Isothiocyanates:  Useful Reagents for the Synthesis of Photoactive Bioconjugates. Bioconjugate Chemistry. 13 (2), 249-263

Triantafilou, K., Triantafilou, M., Ladha, S., Mackie, A., Fernandez, N., Dedrick, RL. and Cherry, R., (2001). Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching reveals that LPS rapidly transfers from CD14 to hsp70 and hsp90 on the cell membrane. Journal of Cell Science. 114 (13), 2535-2545

Triantafilou, K., Triantafilou, M., Ladha, S., Mackie, A., Dedrick, RL., Fernandez, N. and Cherry, R., (2001). Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching reveals that LPS rapidly transfers from CD14 to hsp70 and hsp90 on the cell membrane. Journal of Cell Science. 114 (13), 2535-2545

Triantafilou, K., Triantafilou, M., Ladha, S., Mackie, A., Fernandez, N., Dedrick, RL. and Cherry, R., (2001). Erratum: Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching reveals that LPS rapidly transfers from CD14 to hsp70 and hsp90 on the cell membrane (Journal of Cell Science (2001) Vol. 114 (2535-2545)). Journal of Cell Science. 114 (17), 3072-

Triantafilou, K., Triantafilou, M. and Fernandez, N., (2000). Molecular associations and microdomains in antigen-presenting cell-T-cell interactions. Critical Reviews in Immunology. 20 (5), 359-373

Dealtry, GB., O’Farrell, MK. and Fernandez, N., (2000). The Th2 Cytokine Environment of the Placenta. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology. 123 (2), 107-119

Bottley, G. and Fernández, N., (2000). Dimerization of major histocompatibility complex class I on the surface of THP‐1 cells stimulates the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase and subsequent nitric oxide release. Immunology. 100 (4), 449-454

Triantafilou, K., Triantafilou, M., Takada, Y. and Fernandez, N., (2000). Human Parechovirus 1 Utilizes Integrins αvβ3 and αvβ1 as Receptors. Journal of Virology. 74 (13), 5856-5862

Triantafilou, K., Triantafilou, M., Wilson, KM. and Fernandez, N., (2000). Human major histocompatibility molecules have the intrinsic ability to form homotypic associations. Human Immunology. 61 (6), 585-598

Triantafilou, M., Triantafilou, K., Wilson, KM., Takada, Y. and Fernandez, N., (2000). High affinity interactions of Coxsackievirus A9 with integrin αvβ3 (CD51/61) require the CYDMKTTC sequence of β3, but do not require the RGD sequence of the CAV-9 VP1 protein. Human Immunology. 61 (5), 453-459

Triantafilou, M., Triantafilou, K. and Fernandez, N., (2000). Rough and smooth forms of fluorescein‐labelled bacterial endotoxin exhibit CD14/LBP dependent and independent binding that is influencedby endotoxin concentration. European Journal of Biochemistry. 267 (8), 2218-2226

Triantafilou, K., Triantafilou, M. and Fernandez, N., (2000). Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) labeled with Alexa 488 hydrazide as a novel probe for LPS binding studies. Cytometry. 41 (4), 316-320

SUTTON, JM., FERNANDEZ, N. and BOYLE, RW., (2000). Functionalized diphenylchlorins and bacteriochlorins: their synthesis and bioconjugation for targeted photodynamic therapy and tumour cell imaging. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 04 (07), 655-658

Triantafilou, K., Triantafilou, M. and Fernandez, N., (2000). Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) labeled with Alexa 488 hydrazide as a novel probe for LPS binding studies. Cytometry. 41 (4), 316-320

Sutton, JM., Fernandez, N. and Boyle, RW., (2000). Functionalized diphenylchlorins and bacteriochlorins: Their synthesis and bioconjugation for targeted photodynamic therapy and tumour cell imaging. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 4 (7), 655-658

Fernandez, N., (1999). A critical review of the role of the major histocompatibility complex in fertilization, preimplantation development and feto-maternal interactions. Human Reproduction Update. 5 (3), 234-248

Triantafilou, K., Triantafilou, M., Wilson, KM., Cherry, RJ. and Fernandez, N., (1999). Intracellular and cell surface heterotypic associations of human leukocyte antigen-DR and human invariant chain. Human Immunology. 60 (11), 1101-1112

Triantafilou, M., Triantafilou, K., Wilson, KM., Takada, Y., Fernandez, N. and Stanway, G., (1999). Involvement of β2-microglobulin and integrin αvβ3 molecules in the coxsackievirus A9 infectious cycle. Journal of General Virology. 80 (10), 2591-2600

Smith, PR., Morrison, IEG., Wilson, KM., Fernández, N. and Cherry, RJ., (1999). Anomalous Diffusion of Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I Molecules on HeLa Cells Determined by Single Particle Tracking. Biophysical Journal. 76 (6), 3331-3344

Nilsson, AM., Wijaywardene, M., Gkoutos, G., Wilson, KM., Fern�ndez, N. and Reynolds, CA., (1999). Correlated mutations in the HLA class II molecule. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 73 (2), 85-96

Triantafilou, M., Triantafilou, K., Wilson, KM., Takada, Y., Fernandez, N. and Stanway, G., (1999). Involvement of β2-microglobulin and integrin α(v)β3 molecules in the coxsackievirus A9 infectious cycle. Journal of General Virology. 80 (10), 2591-2600

COOPER, JC., FERNANDEZ, N., JOLY, E. and DEALTRY, GB., (1998). Regulation of Major Histocompatibility Complex and TAP Gene Products in Preimplantation Mouse Stage Embryos. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 40 (3), 165-171

Cherry, RJ., Smith, PR., Morrison, IEG. and Fernandez, N., (1998). Mobility of cell surface receptors: a re‐evaluation. FEBS Letters. 430 (1-2), 88-91

Cherry, RJ., Wilson, KM., Triantafilou, K., O'Toole, P., Morrison, IEG., Smith, PR. and Fernández, N., (1998). Detection of Dimers of Dimers of Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)–DR on the Surface of Living Cells by Single-Particle Fluorescence Imaging. The Journal of Cell Biology. 140 (1), 71-79

Cherry, RJ., Smith, PR., Morrison, IEG., Koukidou, M., Wilson, KM. and Fernández, N., (1997). Mobility of cell-surface MHC molecules investigated by single-particle fluorescent imaging. Biochemical Society Transactions. 25 (3), 1097-1102

Wilson, KM., Triantafilou, K., Morrison, IEG., Cherry, RJ. and Fernandez, N., (1997). SINGLE PARTICLE IMAGING OF CELL-SURFACE HLA-DR TETRAMERS. Biochemical Society Transactions. 25 (2), 360S-360S

Triantafilou, K., Wilson, KM., Morrison, IEG., Cherry, RJ. and Fernandez, N., (1997). THE STATE OF AGGREGATION OF MHC CLASS II MOLECULES AT THE CELL-SURFACE IS TEMPERATURE DEPENDENT. Biochemical Society Transactions. 25 (2), 358S-358S

Triantafilou, K., Wilson, KM. and Fernandez, N., (1997). INTRACELLULAR AND CELL SURFACE MAPPING OF HLA DR IN THE PRESENCE AND ABSENCE OF THE INVARIANT CHAIN. Biochemical Society Transactions. 25 (2), 259S-259S

Fiszer, D., Ulbrecht, M., Fernandez, N., Johnson, JP., Weiss, EH. and Kurpisz, M., (1997). Analysis of HLA class Ib gene expression in male gametogenic cells. European Journal of Immunology. 27 (7), 1691-1695

Wilson, KM., Morrison, IEG., Smith, PR., Fernandez, N. and Cherry, RJ., (1996). Single particle tracking of cell-surface HLA-DR molecules using R-phycoerythrin labeled monoclonal antibodies and fluorescence digital imaging. Journal of Cell Science. 109 (8), 2101-2109

Janitz, M., Fiszer, D., Michalczak‐Janitz, K., Lukaszyk, A., Fernandez, N., Skorupski, W. and Kurpisz, M., (1994). Analysis of mRNA for class I HLA on human gametogenic cells. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 38 (2), 231-237

Wilson, KM., Labeta, MO., Pawelec, G. and Fernandez, N., (1993). Cell-surface expression of human histocompatibility leucocyte antigen (HLA) class II-associated invariant chain (CD74) does not always correlate with cell-surface expression of HLA class II molecules. Immunology. 79 (2), 331-335

Sprinks, M., Sellens, M., Dealtry, G. and Fernandez, N., (1993). Preimplantation mouse embryos express Mhc class I genes before the first cleavage division. Immunogenetics. 38 (1), 35-40

Labeta, MO., Durieux, J., Fernandez, N., Herrmann, R. and Ferrara, P., (1993). Release from a human monocyte‐like cell line of two different soluble forms of the lipopolysaccharide receptor, CD14. European Journal of Immunology. 23 (9), 2144-2151

Labeta, MO., Durieux, JJ., Spagnoli, G., Fernandez, N., Wijdenes, J. and Herrmann, R., (1993). CD14 and tolerance to lipopolysaccharide: Biochemical and functional analysis. Immunology. 80 (3), 415-423

Reyes-Engel, A., Le Roy, E., Diegues, JL. and Fernandez, N., (1993). Unusual expression pattern of the MHC class I Q5k gene in the AKR mouse: Possible role in embryo development. Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 23 (1), 73-81

KURPISZ, M. and FERNANDEZ, N., (1992). Main Histocompatibility Complex and Reproductive System. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 28 (1), 19-30

Fernandez, N., Kurpisz, M., Labeta, M., Sachs, J. and Pawelec, G., (1992). A ligand-epitope in vitro analysis of major histocompatibility determinants expressed on B and T lymphocytes. Immunology. 77 (1), 116-122

Fernandez, N. and Klidis, A., (1991). Molecular profiles of the cell membrane bound and cytoplasmic forms of the human MHC Class‐II associated invariant polypeptides. ELECTROPHORESIS. 12 (7-8), 523-526

Delgado, V., Ramos, T., Delgado, E., Fernandez, N., Diez, ML., Romera, N. and Mateos, F., (1990). Effect of hepatic ischemic reperfusion on the adenine nucleotides: Its tissue degradation and integrity. Alopurinol-protecting effect. Revista de Diagnostico Biologico. 39 (3), 127-135

Fernandez, N., Labeta, M., Kurpisz, M., Nakatsuji, T., Sachs, J. and Festenstein, H., (1990). Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) protein analysis by optimised two‐dimensional electrophoretic methods. ELECTROPHORESIS. 11 (2), 167-174

Labeta, M., Fernandez, N. and Festenstein, H., (1989). The expression of an 'alloantigen'-like molecule is a general phenomenon in AKR leukaemias. Transplantation Proceedings. 21 (1 I), 578-

Labeta, MO., Fernandez, N., Reyes, A., Ferrara, P., Marelli, O., Le Roy, E., Houlihan, J. and Festenstein, H., (1989). Biochemical analysis of a novel H-2 class I-like glycoprotein expressed in five AKR-(Gross virus) derived spontaneous T cell leukemias. Journal of Immunology. 143 (4), 1245-1253

Pawelec, G., Brocker, T., Busch, FW., Buhring, HJ., Fernandez, N., Schneider, EM. and Wernet, P., (1988). 'Tolerization' of human T-helper cell clones by chronic exposure to alloantigen: Culture conditions dictate autocrine proliferative status but not acquisition of cytotoxic potential and suppressor-induction capacity. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Immunology. 4 (1), 21-34

Fernandez, N., Hitman, GA., Festenstein, H., Garde, L., Labeta, M., Walker-Smith, JA. and Sachs, JA., (1988). Novel HLA class II-associated structural patterns in coeliac disease and type I diabetes. Clinical and Experimental Immunology. 72 (3), 362-366

Fernandez, N., Labeta, MO. and Festenstein, H., (1988). A novel HLA class II molecule. Immunogenetics. 27 (5), 363-369

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Kurpisz, M., Fernandez, N., Witt, M., Kowalik, I., Szymczynski, GA. and Festenstein, H., (1987). HLA EXPRESSION ON HUMAN GERMINAL CELLS. International Journal of Immunogenetics. 14 (1), 23-32

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KURPISZ, M., MAZURKIEWICZ, I. and FERNANDEZ, N., (1985). Morphological and Immunological Observations in Experimentally Induced Torsion of Testis in Rats. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology and Microbiology. 9 (4), 129-135

Fernandez, N., Solana, R. and Sachs, JA., (1984). Characterization of 59 workshop monoclonal antibodies using panels of EBV transformed HTCs and deletion mutant cell lines. Disease Markers. 2 (1-2), 197-205

Solana, R., Fernandez, N. and Alonso, MC., (1984). Comparison of RIA and ELISA for screening class II monoclonal antibodies with EBV transformed cell lines. Disease Markers. 2 (1-2), 33-37

Conferences (35)

Muhandiram, N., Jabeen, A. and Fernàndez, N., (2015). Bacterial LPS differentially modulates the expression of Myoferlin in trophoblast cells

Alssadh, H., Alabdulmenaim, W. and Fernandez, N., (2014). Analysis of the expression and interrelationship between the CD74 and CD44 receptors expressed on human breast cancer derived cells

Alabdulmenaim, W., Al Ssadh, H. and Fernandez, N., (2014). Lack of Trophoblast-Specific Isoforms of CD74 May Protect Pregnancy

Al Ssadh, H., Fernandez, N. and Alabdulmenaim, W., (2014). Analysis of the Expression and Interrelationship Between the CD74 and CD44 Receptors Expressed on Human Breast Cancer Derived Cells

Hakam, SM., Pallavi, JH., Sachiyo, T., Barnea, ER. and Fernandez, N., (2014). Preimplantation factor (PIF*) regulates HLA-G expression at the feto-maternal interface


Blanch, A., Jain, P., Jabeen, A. and Fernandez, N., (2012). The role of the cytoskeleton in foeto-maternal immunotolerance

Jabeen, A., Alkhatib, S., Hicks, CE., Uddin, T., Hakam, SM., Jain, P. and Fernández, N., (2012). Extra-villous trophoblast cytoskeleton deformation under co-infection with viral and bacterial agents

Jain, P., Blanch, A., Jabeen, A., Hakam, S., Laissue, P. and Fernandez, N., (2012). The effect of all-trans retinoic acid on histocompatibility receptor distribution at the foeto-maternal interface

McElhinney, JMWR., Sayago, JMM., Taylor, OW., Reynolds, CA. and Fernandez, N., (2012). Serum albumin modulates pro-inflammatory responses induced by bacterial lipopolysaccharides in macrophage-like MM6 cells

Jabeen, A., Laissue, PP., Obara, B., Jain, P. and Fernandez, N., (2012). Immunological receptors' expression and communication on extravillous trophoblast cell surface

Lee, C-L., Lam, KKW., Koistinen, H., Seppala, M., Kurpisz, M., Fernandez, N., Pang, RTK., Yeung, WSB. and Chiu, PCN., (2011). Glycodelin-A as a paracrine regulator in early pregnancy

Jabeen, A., Laissue, PP., Jain, P., Shakhawat, A., Shaikly, V. and Fernandez, N., (2011). Study of MHC class I molecules associations: Is receptor interaction at the cell-surface important at the feto-maternal interface?

Shakhawat, A., Shaikly, V. and Fernández, N., (2010). Anti-inflammatory interleukin-4 (IL-4) cytokine regulates human leukocyte antigen-G expression in a trophoblast cell line

Jabeen, A., Jain, P., Laissue, PP., Suhling, K., Levitt, JA., Shaikly, V., Shakhawat, A. and Fernandez, N., (2010). Physical interactions of HLA-G with MHC class I partner molecules on the surface of two trophoblast cell lines, JEG-3 and ACH-3P, by Förster resonance energy transfer based on fluorescence lifetime measurements

Shakhawat, A., Shaikly, V., Mavrakos, E. and Fernández, N., (2009). The protective roles of non-classical MHC class Ib HLA-G antigen against maternal macrophages

Shaikly, V., Shakhawat, A., Morrison, I., Mavrakos, E., Cherry, AJR. and Fernández, N., (2009). MHC profiles in human pre-implantation embryos

Mavrakos, E., Morrison, IG., Cherry, RJ. and Fernandez, N., (2008). Single molecule visualisation of the CD55, a decay accelerating factor, interaction with CD14 in the lipopolysaccharide signalling pathway

Mavrakos, E., Kacharakkal, HJ., Yadav, N., O'Farrell, M. and Fernandez, N., (2008). The role of poly ADP-ribosylation in endotoxin-induced inflammatory processes in macrophages

Shakhawat, A. and Fernandez, N., (2008). Effect of TNF alpha nd Interleukin 4 on HLA-G expression, cell proliferation and apoptosis of the human placental trophoblast Jeg-3 cell line

Shaikly, V., Taranissi, M., Seaton, A. and Fernandez, N., (2006). Analysis of soluble HLA-G in the culture media of human preimplantation embryos from cleavage stages to blastocyst and embryos undergoing preimplantation genetic diagnosis

Nebenfuhr, MT., Morrison, IEG., Karakikes, I., Cherry, RJ. and Fernandez, N., (2005). Detection and quantification of colocalization of CD14 and TLR4 upon LPS stimulation on human monocytes using single particle fluorescence imaging

Cherry, RJ., Morrison, IEG., Karakikes, I., Barber, RE., Silkstone, G. and Fernández, N., (2003). Measurements of associations of cell-surface receptors by single-particle fluorescence imaging

Karakikes, I., Barber, RE., Morrison, IEG., Fernández, N. and Cherry, RJ., (2003). Co-localization of cell surface receptors at high spatial resolution by single-particle fluorescence imaging

WEISS, EH., CANNICH, A., SPRINKS, M., FERNANDEZ, N. and ULBRECHT, M., (1998). Unique Biochemical Properties of Human Leukocyte Antigen‐E Allow for a Highly Specific Function in Immune Recognition

Wilson, KM., Morrison, IEG., Cherry, RJ. and Fernandez, N., (1997). In vivo single particle imaging reveals the formation of cell surface HLA-DR dimer of dimers

Wilson, KM., Triantafilou, K., Morrison, IEG., Cherry, RJ. and Fernandez, N., (1996). Single particle imaging of cell-surface HLA-DR tetramers

Smith, PR., Wilson, KM., Morrison, IEG., Fernandez, N. and Cherry, RJ., (1996). Comparitive analysis of MHC class I and class II cell surface organisation using digital fluorescence imaging

Cooper, JC., Fernandez, N. and Dealtry, G., (1996). Ontogeny and role of the MHC in mouse embryonic development

Fernandez, N., Cooper, JC., Sprinks, MT. and Dealtry, GB., (1996). Impaired reproduction of the B-2-M deficient transgenic

Wilson, KM., Smith, PR., Morrison, IEG., Cherry, RJ. and Fernandez, N., (1996). The mobility and self-associations of MHC receptors at the cell surface of antigen presenting cells

Triantafilou, K., Wilson, KM., Morrison, IEG., Cherry, RJ. and Fernandez, N., (1996). The state of aggregation of MHC Class II molecules at the cell-surface is temperature dependent

Triantafilou, K., Wilson, KM. and Fernandez, N., (1996). Intracellular and cell surface mapping of HLA DR in the presence and absence of the invariant chain

Sprinks, MT., Ulbrecht, M., Fernandez, N. and Weiss, EH., (1996). Identification of the human non-classical MHC class I HLA-E molecule by 1-D IEF

Fernandez, N. and Kurpisz, M., (1996). The major histocompatibility complex and the developing mammalian embryo

Grants and funding


The role of soluble factors in regulating maternally derived fibroblasts

Wellcome Trust


Is fetomaternal tolerance linked to HLA expression on trophoblasts

Wellcome Trust


Biomedical Vacation Scholarships - 2014 (Mr Akira O Williamson)

Wellcome Trust

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