Our EUSC project and publications are truly multi-disciplinary

Our contributors

EUSC Contributor

International Political Economy of East Asia, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum

Topic: Cyber security

EUSC Contributor

The Institute for European Studies, University of Amsterdam

Topic: Energy and climate change

EUSC Contributor

School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University

Topic: Climate and energy security

EUSC Contributor

Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy, University of Hamburg

Topic: Terrorism and organised crime

EUSC Contributor

European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), Paris

Topic: Nuclear proliferation

EUSC Contributor

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Topic: Immigration and migration

EUSC Contributor

Professor of European Politics and Security, University of Warwick

Topic: Cyber security

EUSC Contributor

School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University

Topic: Climate and energy security

EUSC Contributor

Professor of Political Science and International Relation, University of Tübingen

Topic: Regional security

EUSC Contributor

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Topic: Immigration and migration security

Professor Han Dorussen

Co-editor and EUSC Contributor

Department of Government, University of Essex

Topic: Civil security

Professor Simon Duke

EUSC Contributor

European Institute of Public Administration, University of Maastricht

Topic: Military security

EUSC Contributor

Institute for European Studies, University of Prague

Topic: Civil security

EUSC Contributor

Professor of International Relations, Vrije Universiteit Brussels and University of Kent

Topic: Economic security

EUSC Contributor

International Relations and Foreign Affairs , Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg

Topic: Human security

EUSC Contributor

Department of Political Science , University of Copenhagen

Topic: Human security

EUSC Contributor

School of Labour and Human Resources, Renmin University of China

Topic: Economic security

Dr Jin Ling

EUSC Contributor

China Institute of International Studies, International School Beijing

Topic: Civil protection

EUSC Contributor

Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education, University of Luxembourg

Topic: Immigration and migration security

EUSC Contributor

Institute for Defence and Strategic Studies (IDSS), Nanyang Technological University

Topic: Regional security

Dr Wenwen Shen

EUSC Contributor

New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington

Topic: Human security

EUSC Contributor

School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University

Topic: Cyber security

Dr Eva Scherwitz

EUSC Contributor

University of Tuebingen, Germany

Topic: Regional security

Professor Leslie Templeman-Holmes

EUSC Contributor

University of Melbourne, Australia

Topic: Terrorism and organised crime

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission 


Our partner institutions

Get in touch
Professor Dr Emil Kirchner Project Leader
University of Essex
Susan Sydenham Project Coordinator
University of Essex