About the School
Essex Business School pushes the boundaries of knowledge, helping organisations and society innovate and thrive.
We undertake theoretical and applied research to investigate key issues and contemporary challenges within businesses, the public sector, not-for-profits and the wider world.
We engage in diverse areas of research, such as emerging markets, firm financing, corporate governance, financial econometrics and gender studies. Our research agenda has an emphasis on sustainability practices, corporate responsibility and key technologies.
We are renowned for our expertise in accounting, finance and banking, organisation studies, human resource management, entrepreneurship and innovation, management and marketing. Our department houses seven research centres and five research groups which organise their work around these key themes.
We are happy to receive and support a small number of high-quality applications in any areas of our specialisation.
Application and assessment process
Interested applicants should submit:
- a one-page CV,
- an outline of the proposed research (maximum 1,500 words)
The project outline must include a brief description of:
- The purpose of the project, including the hypothesis or central research questions that the project seeks to test/answer
- Why it is important to undertake this research, including how the project contributes to the state-of-the art
- What research methodology and approach will be used
- Why the department is an appropriate host institution.
Candidates are also encouraged to identify which member(s) of staff they would prefer to work with.
Please submit project outlines in Word format by the 17 March 2025 to the EBS Research Administrator, Debbie Hall, (ebsresearchadministrator@essex.ac.uk).
If you would like to discuss your proposal further, please contact Dr. Charlie Smith (charlie.smith@essex.ac.uk) for general enquiries or a member of faculty that you would be specifically interested in working with.
Applicants who are successful in receiving EU funding must relocate to Essex to work as a postdoctoral fellow.
All documents that you submit to the University of Essex, including your proposal idea, will be handled in full confidentiality and in strict compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018)
Review of expressions of interest will start after the deadline. Proposals will be evaluated based on the applicant’s qualifications and project idea, including its fit with the Department’s research areas and faculty members’ profiles.
Shortlisted candidates will be invited for a virtual interview in March 2025. Based on the application and interview candidates will be notified of the outcome of their applications by the 28 March 2025.
Those who are successful will be invited to develop a full MSCA PF application in collaboration with the department and with the support of the Research and Enterprise Teams at the University of Essex. The final proposal will be submitted by the deadline of 10 September 2025.