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Trusted academic research making a global impact

We push the boundaries of knowledge, helping organisations and society innovate and thrive.

We undertake theoretical and applied research to investigate key issues and contemporary challenges within businesses, the public sector, not-for-profits and the wider world.

We engage in diverse areas of research, such as emerging markets, firm financing, corporate governance, financial econometrics and gender studies. Our research agenda has an emphasis on sustainability practices, corporate responsibility and key technologies.

We are renowned for our expertise in accounting, finance and banking, organisation studies, human resource management, entrepreneurship and innovation, management and marketing. Our department houses seven research centres and five research groups which organise their work around these key themes.

100% of our business and management research environment is world-leading or internationally excellent and we are ranked 20th in UK for research power in business and management (Times Higher Education research power measure) in the Research Excellence Framework 2021.

Use the links below to visit our pioneering research structures and learn more about the cutting edge research taking place within the department.

Our research groups

Our research and academic structure are focused around five broad subject groups: accounting, finance, management, marketing and entrepreneurship.  Building upon our core strengths and expertise in these areas they provide the focus of our research groups.


Our research centres

Our research centres focus on specific areas of interest, whilst facilitating interdisciplinary collaboration both within and beyond Essex Business School.

Our academic staff also contribute towards the interdisciplinary ESRC Business and Local Government Data Research Centre.

A graphic of the globe with South American highlighted. A banner with "Latin America" is across the globe with "at Essex" under the globe. Around the outside are the words "Latin American Network at Essex".
Latin American Network at Essex

The Latin American Network at Essex (LANX) brings together an interdisciplinary group of researchers across the University of Essex and its partners actively involved in research and teaching on Latin America.

More about the network

Selected projects

A row of old looking library books
Explore our research

Discover cutting edge research from the University of Essex. Browse our site to find relevant publications, projects, groups, centres, postgraduate opportunities for research supervision and wider areas of interest. Simply search our site to find information relating to your subject.

Search our research

Highlights of our research 

Our Essex Business School is the UK's first zero-carbon business school building.
Contact us
Departmental Director of Research Professor Ileana Steccolini
Essex Business School University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ
Telephone: 01206 873911