Throughout your PhD, you undertake a progress board every six months. At this meeting, your supervisors and an independent chair mark your progress and set objectives for the next period. You are also encouraged to take part in peer group debates and discussions.
Year one
Your studies begin with an intensive induction programme. You attend advanced research methods training and undertake compulsory modules tailored to your individual research needs.
By the end of your first year, you should have a solid understanding of the key debates in your field and have defined your research questions, outlining your original contribution to knowledge. Some students are also expected to have made substantial progress on their first research paper.
Year two
In your second year, you are likely to finalise the design of your own research project and either collect primary data, or access and analyse large scale datasets. You may also make progress on your second research paper.
Final year
In your final year, you continue to analyse your own research data and further refine your original contribution to knowledge. You will collate your work into an approximately 50-80k words thesis. Some students are also expected to make substantial progress on their third research paper.
You may attend a number of conferences in your final year to test out your research findings and thesis on an international stage.
Once you have submitted your thesis, you will be asked to attend a viva voce examination with examiners from within and outside of the University. A viva voce examination usually takes place within three months of submission of thesis.
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