Research Area

Management and Marketing Group

We’re not just about driving profit for big business

Essex Business School Management and Marketing professors sit together in discussion.

We’re not just about driving profit for big business

Management encompasses so much of what a business is about, it looks at people, processes, change and impact, as well as the bottom line. Marketing isn’t just glitter and gimmicks, it’s at the heart of every organisation.

Our research in management and marketing aims to understand the role of the consumer, the value of the employee and the importance of responsible management practices. We’re independent thinkers and drivers of change.

Here’s just some of the topics we explore:

  • organisational behaviour
  • business ethics
  • historical aspects of management
  • corporate marketing and corporate communication
  • business model innovation
  • intersectionality

Our research at a glance

A century of change on the London Underground

Dr James Fowler, Lecturer at Essex Business School, has recently published research into the ways that commuting on the London Underground has, or hasn’t, changed in over the past century. By digging into the available data he has focused on understanding how the customer experience, rather than the organisation’s internal operations, has been affected by change. Analysis like this helps organisations to understand their customers and to compete against the competition.

Read the full article in The Conversation.

Management and Marketing

Senior Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: Management of diversity and difference in organisations; History, memory and temporality in and of organisations; Leadership, power and ways of leading; Organisations, the media and representation and mediatisation of organisations
Senior Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: Digital Marketing; Omnichannel retailing strategies and consumers' decision‐making; Marketing in the Metaverse; Marketing strategy and firm performance; Social Customer Journey; Methodological Interests
Reader, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: Big Data Technologies and Methodologies
Senior Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Professor, EBS - Management and Marketing
Senior Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Senior Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: Corporate Marketing and Corporate Communication (and associated concepts/issues); Corporate Identity and Corporate Brand Management; Corporate Heritage, brand heritage, and (corporate) heritage brands; Corporate and organisational temporalities and time
Senior Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: Work, Crisis, Technology
Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: professional values; organisational and workplace ethnography; teamwork, inter-professional relations and the division of labour; academic evaluation of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator; micro-social theory (interactionism, strong structuration, practice theory); the concept of vocation
Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Senior Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Professor, EBS - Management and Marketing
Lecturer (R) and MBA Director, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: Corporate Strategy; The Management of Organisational Information; Business, Organisational and Management History; The Value of Hybrid Organisations
Senior Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Senior Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Senior Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: Market Studies and Organisational Ethnography; Brand Activism and Consumer Resistance; Consumer Neuroscience and Neuromarketing
Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: Consumer behaviour; Consumer resistance to innovation; Customer engagement; International Marketing
Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: Social Justice; Working Time Regulation; Free Time; Gendered Division of Labour; Inequality
Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: Digital Innovation and Management; Mobile Banking for Financial Inclusion; ICTs and Socio-Organisational Change; Digital Technologies and Socio-economic Development; Digital Economies, Digital Payment Innovation in Social Cash Programmes; Digital Identities for Inclusion; Data Governance; e-Government; e-Health
Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: Consumer Behaviour, Anti-consumption, Influencer Marketing, Body Image, AI & Chatbots, Wearables and the Internet of Things (IoT)
Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: Consumer food waste behaviour; Sustainable Consumption; Circular Economy
Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: Brand Management; Consumer Behaviour; International/Global Branding; Advertising and Marketing Communication; Ethical and Green Marketing
Professor, EBS - Management and Marketing
Reader (R), EBS - Management and Marketing
Faculty Director of Partnerships - Professor (R), EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: Consumer-technology interface; Marketing Strategy; Consumption Decision Making; Services Environment; Sustainability
Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Professor, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: Strategy in emerging economies and emerging-market MNCs; Management and economics of innovation in developed and developing countries; Economic development and sustainability; M&As - Leadership and performance
Senior Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: Organisational change and mergers and acquisitions; Sensemaking; Sustainable organisational growth
Reader (R), EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: User Experience Design (UX); Community Development & Emotional Geographies; Digital labour; Affective labour; Contagion (virality) theory & network culture; Neurocultures
Reader, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: cultural production and contemporary capitalism; social theory; artistic labour; social and political imaginaries; communication technologies; avant-gardes and aesthetics; continental philosophy; social movements; intellectual and social history
Reader (R), EBS - Management and Marketing
Senior Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: Optimal Level of Product Variety; Global SC Uncertainty and Risk Management Strategies for SC Resilience; International Business Strategy; Service Supply Chain Performance; Service Customisation and Productisation; Sustainable Global Supply Chain; Emerging Technology in International Business; Challenges in Logistics & Trade
Senior Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: Alternative organisations; Sustainable and equitable economies; Community-led technology
Senior Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: Learning Pedagogy; Problem-based learning; Transnational education; Firm internationalisation; Autonomy and Embeddedness of subsidiaries of MNCs; Subsidiary performance
Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Reader (R), EBS - Management and Marketing
Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: Consumer psychology; Judgment and Decision Making
Senior Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: Employment Relations and the Future of Work; Labour unions and collective bargaining; Non-standard forms of employment
Contact us
Departmental Director of Research Professor Claudia Girardone
University of Essex
Essex Business School University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex, CO4 3SQ
Telephone: 01206 87 3911