Fusing neuroscience and marketing expertise
The group studies the neuropsychological mechanisms underlying consumer behaviour in response to marketing stimuli, including purchase, word of mouth (WOM), and financial decision-making. It does so through the novel combination of neuroscientific methods with traditional behavioural psychology, marketing theory, and advanced computational intelligence.
The group conducts research underpinning novel consumer neuroscience methods so that they can inform business decisions, generating unique consumer insights and empowering successful marketing strategies.
Examples of applied consumer neuroscience include:
Examples of our applied consumer neuroscience work include:
- Website design and usability
- Packaging design and product labelling
- Advertising design and effectiveness
- Social media engagement
- Consumer-technology interaction
- Conscious consumer decision-making
- Advertising in video games
- Pricing
Our research is conducted in a bespoke Neuromarketing Lab housed in the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering.
The Neuromarketing Lab provides researchers with state-of-the-art access to neurophysiological equipment to assess and combine multiple biometric sensors including eye tracking, EDA/GSR, EEG, ECG, and facial expression analysis.