Not sure what to do with your waste? Check the list below to make sure it goes in the right place – lots of things can be reused or recycled.
This directory is regularly reviewed, but if you have something you’re not sure what to do with, contact to ask. For domestic items, many items are listed on the Recycle Now website.
Batteries should be recycled as they contain chemicals that need to be treated correctly.
At Colchester there are collection boxes in Central Stores,
Supermarkets, DIY shops and many high street stores also have recycling bins for batteries.
Books can be donated to charity via the BHF recycling banks on campus, or to your local charity shop.
Alternatively, you could try selling or giving them away via the University's Small Ads email:
If damaged or there is no alternative route for reuse, they can be recycled along with paper (for large quantities please contact the
Metal cans, such as aluminium drinks cans and food cans, can be put into the dry mixed recycling bins across our campuses.
Drinks cans must be emptied of any remaining liquid and food cans should be cleaned.
Cardboard should be recycled via the dry mixed recycling bins across campus. Large boxes should be collapsed, and for any large quantities please contact the
Alternatively, you could advertise any large boxes via the University's Small Ads email. They are often popular when people are moving house etc:
Items of clothing in good condition can be donated to charity via the BHF recycling banks on campus, or to your local charity shop.
Alternatively, you could try selling or giving them away via the University's Small Ads email:
Printed documents containing confidential information should be disposed of in the confidential waste bins, located in various departments around the University.
For large quantities please contact Shred Station directly to request ad hoc collections.
Crisp packets are not currently collected for recycling on campus. However, Co-op stores now offer ‘soft plastics’ recycling bins, and will accept crisp packets (as well as a variety of other items).
There are also some local collection schemes around Colchester; En-Form will accept crisp packets, and there is also a dedicated bin outside the William Loveless Hall in Wivenhoe.
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) should be recycled – please contact the
For items that can be reused, consider donating them to the British Heart Foundation via the donation bins located at:
Alternatively, consider selling or giving them away via the University's Small Ads email:
Also see
Plain, clean foil can be recycled via the dry mixed recycling bins on campus. Foil that is dirty (for example used for cooking) should go into general waste.
Food leftovers can go into food waste bins on campus. Please do not throw packaging into these bins.
Food waste bins are currently available in Eddington and Bertrand Russell tower accommodation. However if you do not live in either of these accommodation buildings and you choose to collect food waste then please take it to the appropriate food waste bins on campus.
University-owned furniture (such as office items) can be advertised to other departments via Small Ads if you’re staff.
If these items are not claimed they can be collected and sent to the storage facility. Damaged items can be removed by the Estates team. Please contact the
If you are looking to buy new furniture please consider the need – there may be other items available elsewhere on campus. Please try a ‘wanted’ ad on Small Ads for ad-hoc requests, or the Estates team.
A designated storage facility houses various pieces of furniture and we are working to make it easier to find and obtain used, but perfectly serviceable items on our campuses. Please contact the
Glass can be recycled in dedicated bins across our campuses. Please rinse bottles/jars etc before putting them in – dirty items cannot be processed.
Packaging with deliveries may be recyclable, depending on the material. Paper-based packaging can go into the dry mixed recycling bins across campus.
Plastic bags cannot be recycled on campus – instead we suggest either reusing them, or taking them to a plastic bag or ‘soft plastics’ collection point at supermarkets such as Tesco.
Bubble wrap and air pockets can be reused if in good condition. If not, they should go into general waste bins.
Polystyrene should go into general waste bins.
Printed paper (not confidential), including documents, magazines, journals and envelopes should be put into the dry mixed recycling bins across campus.
Please note that paper towels, including kitchen roll, blue roll, hand towels and tissues must be put into general waste as they cannot be recycled.
Everyday plastic waste including bottles, trays, punnets, and cups should be clean and placed into dry mixed recycling bins.
Only certain types of plastic can be recycled – in general, items that have a mobius loop and numbers 1, 2 or 5 printed on them can go into recycling bins.
Hard plastics and soft plastics that cannot be scrunched up (think salad bags, food packaging or fruit nets) cannot be recycled and should go into general waste bins.
Where possible use alternatives to plastic to reduce the use of this oil-based material.
The Canon multi-function printers are managed centrally across our campuses, and empty cartridges are sent for recycling. The University encourages everyone to use these devices as they cover all printing, scanning and copying needs.
Any remaining desktop printers are the responsibility of the owners. It would be up to the department to arrange recycling of cartridges. This may be available through the supplier.
Takeaway items including coffee cups, drinks cups and food boxes should typically go into the general waste bins. They are not recyclable. Essex Food outlets use compostable and biodegradable takeaway packaging, which has a lower carbon impact in manufacture and disposal.
If there are minimal, or no food traces in a takeaway box, including pizza boxes (carboard only), these can go into the dry mixed recycling bin – please do not put food into these bins.
To reduce waste, you can take your own reusable takeaway cup to outlets on campus, and you’ll get a discount too. Win, win!