Estates and Facilities Helpdesk

We can help you with a range of queries or signpost you to the right department if we can’t resolve your query.

Report a fault

Student accommodation

For faults, repairs and maintenance in student accommodation, contact us or email

For faults in Meadows, Quays or Copse accommodation areas please contact the Meadows and Quays helpdesk on

Faults elsewhere

If the fault is not in student accommodation, please contact us by phone, email, or visit us in person. To deal with your enquiry as efficiently as possible, please give details of:

  • the nature of the fault
  • the location of the fault - building, floor, room number
  • your contact name and telephone number
  • an alternative contact name so we can gain access if you are not available

Once the fault has been logged, you'll receive an email with a call log number - keep this number safe.

Please note, we don't usually transfer calls to maintenance supervisors or other technical staff. We will be able to help you in the first instance and know how best to support you.

Quick links

Events on campus

Planning an event on the Squares or grounds

Events in the Squares or grounds must be proposed via an events on campus permission form (.docx) and submitted to the

  • a minimum of one week before a small / non-complex event
  • a minimum of three weeks before a complex event.

This notice period allows plenty of time for the Customer Services team to review your forms and resolve any queries with you.

What you need to include

We ask that the following are submitted alongside your event permission form

  • additional risk assessment for complex events. You can find information that will help you determine the risk level of your event within the event permission form
  • food hygiene certificates (where appropriate)

Where external providers are used, you will need to ask them to provide the following information for you to submit alongside your event permission form:

  • risk assessment(s) for any activities or equipment provided
  • evidence of public liability insurance up to £5m
  • food hygiene certificates (where appropriate)

Events proposed by students must be supported by your academic department or by the Students' Union. They will be able to help you complete your event permission form and any associated risk assessments ahead of submission.

Please note that operational requests such as provision of furniture are free of charge Monday-Friday until 2pm, excluding bank holidays. If you are planning an event after this time, you can contact the team on for more information. Where you have pre-arranged operational support, please make this known to us upon submission of your event permission form.

Provision of electrical hook up is free of charge until 7pm Monday-Friday, excluding bank holidays. If you would like to arrange electrical support outside of these times, please make this known within your event permission form and we will seek information specific to your event.

Planning a BBQ

The Estates and Facilities Helpdesk manage BBQ bookings for students and staff.

Get in touch via to submit a form to hire the BBQ area (.docx). We ask for three working days’ notice to ensure that your booking has sufficient time to be processed. If you are expecting more 70 or more guests to your BBQ you will also need to submit an event permission form (.docx), with a minimum of one weeks’ notice given.

Make sure to visit the Security and Safety team on Square 3 on the day of your event to collect your fire blanket. The Security and Safety team will shut down any unauthorised BBQs for your safety and the safety of others.

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday 8am - 12.30pm and 1.30pm - 4.30pm 
Friday 8pm - 12.30pm and 1.30pm - 4.15pm

Between 12.30pm and 1.30pm, telephone calls will be directed to the Security Team.

Room: 6.003

Our voicemail system is in operation outside of these ours and messages will be attended to the following working day .

For out-of-hours support, security, issuing of keys, lost property and visitor information contact the Patrol Officers in the Security and Safety Centre.

Contact us

Two woman talking at a helpdesk
Contact us
Estates and Facilities Helpdesk
Telephone: 01206 872959
Out-of-hours support Security and Safety Team
Telephone: 01206 872125