The University is committed to providing a safe, healthy and supportive work environment for all. The University’s Health and Safety Policy and Study and Wellbeing Intervention Policy and Procedure details the responsibilities we all have to look after ourselves and others who may be affected by what we do.
The following student responsibilities are from the policy:
Take care to look after your own health and safety and the safety of others who could be harmed by the things you do on our campuses, or as part of your studies.
Make sure you follow the safe working practices that apply to your studies and life on campus.
Your academic supervisor will tell you about safe working procedures for your studies. You can also find out about the University’s health and safety standards in each subject area.
If you are staying in University accommodation follow our advice on accommodation safety and security.
You must also follow any instructions given to you by a member of staff for your health and safety.
Take part in any training which the University, your department or your academic supervisor says is necessary for your health and safety.
You put yourself and others at risk if you intentionally interfere with or misuse anything provided for fire or health and safety protection. For this reason the University will treat such behaviour as a disciplinary offence.
Tell us if you have concerns about health and safety and get advice if you are not sure how to do things safely.
Report accidents, work-related ill-health and hazards or any health and safety concerns you have. This will help us to improve and may prevent you and your friends and colleagues from being harmed.
You can report concerns to:
If you carry out work for the University either under contract of employment (for example Graduate Teaching Assistants) or as part of training for employment (for example Essex Interns) you will be treated as employees. Find out about employee responsibilities in the Health and Safety Policy .
For further help and advice please contact the Student Services Hub.