Health and safety policies

Our responsibilities 

Health and safety is everyone's responsibility. The University, UECS and Wivenhoe House Hotel (WHH) each have a policy which sets full details of our responsibilities.  

University policies

The Health and Safety Policy explains the responsibilities we all have for health and safety at work. It's important that all employees understand their responsibilities and what they need to do to meet them. All staff should read the Employee Guide to the Health and Safety Policy (.pdf)

Those with management responsibilities and those who have specific health and safety roles should also refer to:

University of Essex Campus Services

University of Essex Campus Services Ltd (UECS) has its own Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy. It outlines who has specific health and safety roles in the company.

The Code of Practice gives details of what unit managers, line managers, employees and others need to do to meet their health and safety responsibilities. The Code of Practice enables compliance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations.

Wivenhoe House

Departmental Health and Safety Management Statement

Each department/section/business unit is required to have a Health and Safety Management Statement. The management statement identifies key roles and responsibilities within the department and how health and safety is managed. This statement should be reviewed annually.

Policy arrangements (Health and Safety Standards)

We have a range of Health and Safety StandardsHealth and Safety StandardsHealth and Safety Standards which together form the arrangements for implementing the Health and Safety Policy and meeting legal requirements.

The Managing Health and Safety Code of Practice (.pdf) gives details of what line managers, heads of department and others need to do to meet their health and safety responsibilities, covering the main elements of the health and safety management system laid down in the HSE publication Managing for Health and Safety (.pdf). The Code of Practice enables compliance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations.

Certain departments and sections also have their own health and safety standards. Your line manager, departmental health and safety officer or health and safety liaison officer will be able to advise you on these.

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