Managing recruitment

Job evaluation

Learn about the job evaluation process (HERA) and grading reviews.

Market Supplement Policy

Access the policy, application form and further support for adding market supplements to your pay.

Preparing to recruit

Reviewing your recruitment needs

Find out what you need to do before you can recruit a new member of staff.

Recruitment business case

A business case is needed to justify why replacement/additional resources are necessary in order to either maintain or improve service delivery for the University as a whole.

Creating the job description and person specification

Recruiting managers need to complete a job pack for all new posts.

Academic recruitment templates

Academic recruitment templates for ASER, ASE and ASR posts.

New employee vacancy checklist

Find out about the things you should consider before advertising a vacancy.

Requesting permission to recruit

Permission to recruit needs to be obtained by the recruiting manager prior to raising a new job.

Recruitment process

Recruitment advertising

Find out what you need to do to get your job vacancy advertised.

Recruitment guidance, resources and forms

Guides and resources to assist with the recruitment process.

Recruitment procedure overview

Details on how the recruitment process works here at Essex.

Recruitment timelines

Information regarding the recruitment process timelines.

Recruitment training

All University staff participating in recruitment activities must complete a training programme.

Recruitment selection

Applicant feedback

Information about giving applicant feedback including advice on the disability confident scheme.

Interview and assessment guidance for managers

Guidance for managers when interviewing applicants.

Interview process

Everything you need to know about the interview invitations, scheduling and logistics.

Interview selection panels

Guidance on the interview selection panel for different roles.

Offer of employment

Information about the offer of employment and right to work.

Shortlisting candidates

Find information about how to shortlist candidates for different departments.

Starting salary guidance

This guidance sets out a range of steps and requirements which must be followed in order to ensure that equity and consistency are achieved.

Contract guidance for managers

Information for managers on the different types of employment contracts