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Here you will find information that we publish as part of our publication scheme and information that we publish proactively, please check these pages before you submit a request.
Please note that these webpages are currently undergoing some updates so not all information will be published at this time. Please check the 'Key publication dates' article for our planned updates.
If you cannot find the information that you are searching for, please submit a request to
An outline of who we are and what we do.
Information about the University's decision making processes and records of decisions.
The University's lists and registers, such as assets, CCTV, disclosure logs and gifts.
What our priorities are and how we are doing: strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews.
What the University spends and how we spend it.
Details of services of offered by the University.
The University has wholly-owned subsidiary companies, through which it channels certain non-charitable activity.
The University publishes expenses for members of our senior staff.
Information that we frequently provide to requesters under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Key publication dates for information that we publish as part of our publication scheme.
Current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities.
It is important that committee managers, secretaries and report authors take into account the accessibility provisions required by committee members and attendees when preparing committee papers.
Proactive publication of information about the University, especially committee information, manifests our place as a key institution within Essex.
Details of the University's committees papers publication schedule.
Details of papers publication schedule of defunct committees.
You should contact the Information Manager if you have any concerns at all about any aspect of the management of personal data by the University.
Guidance providing an overview of the Data Protection Act and how it affects research activity.
The University of Essex and its Students' Union provide separate notifications to the Information Commissioner under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA).
The University recognises the importance of destroying all records effectively to ensure compliance with its various legal obligations and to protect the security of the information in its possession.
This policy provides a general University-wide approach to draft papers from their creation through to the point of destruction.
This policy sets out the process by which the University manages records relating to the exclusion an individual from the University campus.
The Human Resources Records Management Policy provides strategic direction on how the Section manages the records that relate to its core functions.
This statement sets out the circumstances under which personal data about individuals may be shared between the University and the SU.
Guidance on the management, retention and disposal of papers relating to the activities of University Working Parties or Review Groups.
This information helps you understand more about what retention schedules are, why we need them, and how to use them.
A structured framework for the retention and disposal of all records managed by all the offices in the Academic Section.
This schedule applies to all Court and Council records.
Records related to compliance with Data Protection Act and Freedom of Information Act are the responsibility of the Information Assurance Manager.
This schedule covers records kept by staff in all departments who have the role of Departmental Disability Liaison Officer.
This schedule applies to all records kept in academic departments, schools and centres.
This schedule covers all records kept by all staff in the Health and Safety and local records kept by departments/sections.
A structured framework for the retention and disposal of all records managed by People and Culture.
This schedule covers all records kept by all staff in the Occupational Health Service.
The following are wholly-owned companies of the University of Essex. They are all currently dormant and therefore have no publication scheme.
This statement sets out the functions that fall within the Library’s public task under the EU Directive on the Re-use of Public Sector Information 2015.