Our commitment to diversity and inclusion

Key dates in the equality, diversity and inclusion calendar

This calendar highlights key dates that underscore the significance of embracing diversity and promoting inclusivity. We invite you to engage in commemorating these essential occasions, each day serving as a reminder of our shared commitment to fostering an equitable and harmonious society.

Our commitment to diversity and inclusion

At Essex our people are at the centre of everything we do and we aspire to build a culture in which every member of the University feels valued and can flourish.

Policies, guidance and definitions

Neuro-Inclusion in the workplace

We are committed to developing a framework of guidance to assist the University with supporting neurodiversity in the workplace.

Equality and diversity policy and strategy

Find out about our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy 2019-25

Tackling Misogyny and Sexual Violence Against Women Policy

We have developed some guidance for students and staff on the University’s approach and on where they can find help and report any incidents of misogyny, sexism, harassment, or sexual violence.

Our approach to supporting trans, non-binary and gender non-conforming staff

How we support new and existing trans, non-binary and gender non-conforming staff and those who transition while at Essex.

Zero tolerance of harassment and bullying

The University celebrates diversity, challenges inequality and is committed to establishing an environment that is free from any form of harassment or bullying.

Charters, awards and pledges

Stonewall submissions

The submissions we have made to Stonewall for participation in its Workplace Equality Index.

Gender equality awards and applications

Read more about our gender equality awards and applications including Athena SWAN and the GEM award.

What is Athena Swan?

Read more about our University and departmental gender equality awards.

Athena Swan impact

Read about how the Athena SWAN award has helped new initiatives and policies be introduced into the University.

Race Equality Charter

Read more about the Race Equality Charter (REC).

Disability Confident Scheme 

We’re committed to hiring more people who are disabled to help us transform our culture, customer relations and performance.

The Armed Forces Covenant

Find out more about our pledge to honour the Armed Forces Covenant.

Reports and action plans

COVID-19 Equality Impact Assessment

We want to reach out to our community and make you aware of the various forms of support that are available during these challenging times.

Equality, diversity and inclusion annual reports

Find out about our equality, diversity and inclusion annual reports.

Supporting staff with health conditions or impairments

The University’s approach to supporting staff with health conditions or impairments sets out how we support prospective, new and existing staff with health conditions or impairments, both physical and mental.

Technician Commitment

The Technician Commitment aims to ensure visibility, recognition, career development and sustainability for technicians working in higher education and research, across all disciplines.

Gender Equality Plan

The Gender Equality Plan demonstrates our commitment to gender equality and sets clear goals and detailed actions and measures to achieve them.


Meeting accessibility requirements

We are required to take reasonable steps to ensure digital interfaces, printed materials and marketing activities are accessible to people with disabilities.

Creating accessible documents

We are required by law to ensure that any documents we produce are fully accessible. Find out how to create accessible documents.

Access and disability information and support

At Essex we are committed to ensuring that all members of our University community are able to participate fully and equally in campus life.

Resources and support

Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion (ENEI)

All staff members can register to access the Member’s Area on the ENEI website, which will give you access to resources that can help you and your team achieve yourdiversity and inclusion goals.

Pronoun guide

The University of Essex LGBTQ Staff Forum have provided a guide on pronouns: what they are, how to use them and why they are so important.

Protected characteristics

There are protected characteristics which are covered in the Equality Act 2010, discrimination against these is unlawful.

Tackling racism

At Essex we are determined to take rapid action against racism on our campuses.