Tackling Misogyny and Sexual Violence Against Women Policy

Our Tackling Misogyny policy (.pdf) outlines our approach to misogyny, harassment, sexism and sexual violence towards women.

In addition to the policy, we have developed some guidance for students and employees (.docx) on our approach and on where they can find help and report any incidents of misogyny, sexism, harassment, or sexual violence. 

If you would prefer to access this guidance in an alternative language, please email the Inclusion Team at inclusion@essex.ac.uk.

Employee training

We believe Equality, Diversity and Inclusion training is relevant to each and every role at the University in order to continue fostering a welcome and inclusive workplace.

We therefore want to ensure all employees are trained to identify and understand what constitutes misogyny and the different ways it can present itself as well as to be able to combat misogyny or harassment and sexual violence.

A Tackling Misogyny, Sexism and Sexual Violence training for employees has therefore been developed. We encourage all managers to make their teams aware of this training and to provide the time needed to take it.

For more information, see HR Organiser. 


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