People management development

There are a range of programmes, workshops and apprenticeships to support managers to develop in their role. Find out more about these below to inform your development plan.

Essential Training for all managers

All managers need to complete the Essential Training for Managers.

New to managing

Here is an overview of learning events and resources to support you if you are new to managing people at Essex.

Event  Requirement  Next steps 
New to Managing programme explores core areas of leadership and management within a peer setting (4 days) Recommended for all new managers Check HR Organiser 
Operational Team Leader programme provides opportunity for those new to the team leader role to develop knowledge on different aspects of an operational team leader (2 days) Recommended for team leaders and those with responsibility for coordinating operational staff  Check HR Organiser 
Management Accelerator workshops provide just-in time skills in specific subject areas to enhance knowledge and understanding of working within policy and procedures to ensure positive outcomes for their employees (2 hours)
Optional for all line managers Check HR Organiser
Level 3 Team Leader/Supervisor Apprenticeship is targeted towards managers in a first line management role, with operational and project responsibilities or responsibility for managing a team to deliver a clearly defined outcome (12 months)
Optional for all line managers, supervisors or team leaders

Standards of this apprenticeship

Employee apprenticeships

Essential Training for Managers is compulsory course for all managers Compulsory for all managers  Essential Training for Managers 
People Management Development is a summary of all training and development available for managers  Recommended for all managers  Management development
Information for managers covers all policies, procedures and guidance for managers  Recommended for just-in time managers Information for managers 
LinkedIn Learning is range of management related video training resources  Optional for a specific area of development  LinkedIn Learning resources

Management development programmes

Review the programmes available to support managers to develop in their role.

Event  Requirement  Next steps 
Preparing to be a manager is a three-hour workshop to develop your knowledge of the role and responsibilities of a line manager and identify actions in outlining your development plan to prepare for a managerial role   Recommended for individuals that aspire or are preparing to be in a manager role. Check HR Organiser 
Operational Team Leader programme is a two-day programme for those new to the team leader role to develop knowledge on different aspects of an operational team leader. Recommended for team leaders and those who have responsibility for coordinating operational staff.  Check HR Organiser 
New to Managing programme is a four-day programming exploring core areas of leadership and management within a peer setting Recommended for all new managers.  Check HR Organiser 
Coaching Essentials is a one-day highly practical and participative workshop. It enables line managers to develop effective coaching skills which can be applied formally and informally in a wide range of workplace situations.  Recommended for all team leaders and line managers.  Check HR Organiser 

Management Accelerator Workshops

These two-hour workshops are available to support all line managers to apply people policies in practice, ensuring positive outcomes for your direct reports. These workshops include:

  • Managing Recruitment
  • Managing Induction
  • Managing Effective Performance and Development Reviews
  • Managing Wellbeing
  • Managing Workload
  • Managing Flexible Working Requests
  • Managing Absence
  • Managing Capability
  • Managing Conduct

All Management Accelerator workshops can be booked on HR Organiser.

Management Development Apprenticeships

There are accredited management apprenticeship programmes that provide industry standard qualifications and a higher level of leadership understanding.

Apprenticeships require allocation of at least 20% of your working time to engage with off-the-job training and engagement. An apprenticeship will need to be agreed with your line manager.

A summary of Management Development Apprenticeships are below. For more information and to check your eligibility, see our employee apprenticeships information.

Apprenticeship  Description  Duration 
Team Leader or Supervisor (Level 3)  This is for managers in a first line management role, with operational and project responsibilities for managing a team to deliver clearly defined outcomes.  18-24 months 
Operations or Department Manager (Level 5)  This is for someone line managing teams and/or projects and working to achieve operational/departmental goals as part of the delivery of the organisation's strategy.  18-24 months 
Chartered Manager (Degree) Apprenticeship (Level 6)  This concentrates on practical management skills, knowledge and behaviours and how these can be applied in the workplace.

Entry requirements include permanent employment in a role, eligibility for apprenticeship funding, GCSE maths and English at Grade C/4 (or equivalent) and,
at least 80 UCAS tariff points at level 3 (although relevant work experience may be considered as an alternative). 
3 years 
Senior Leader Apprenticeship (Level 7)  This is a programme for senior managers with responsibility for strategic leadership,
integrating EDI, leading inclusive change, developing strategy, leading performance,
and financial and commercial leaders.

Entry requirements would be similar to the level 6, but instead of level 3 qualifications,
you would normally already hold an undergraduate degree from a UK university, normally a 2:1 or above (or equivalent). 
24-30 months 

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