Report harassment

Report and Support service

If you feel that you are being subjected to harassment or bullying in any form, there is help available to you. We have appointed and trained a network of Support Workers who will listen to you and offer advice and support, whether you are a student or member of staff.

For more information on our University policies related to harassment and/or bullying, and to report any incidents of hate crime, sexual violence, harassment or bullying, see our Report and Support System. Options to contact an advisor or to report anonymously are available.

Report a crime

If a crime has been committed and you are on campus, you will want to report this directly to Campus Patrol or our Security Officers on extension 2222 or 01206 872222. In the event of an emergency, our staff will contact 999 for you.

For information on reporting a crime, see our emergencies security and safety information.

Contact an adviser

You can contact the Harassment Report and Support Service through our Report and Support System. You will be asked to provide a few details about yourself, the nature of the harassment or bullying you are being subjected to and the name(s) of the perpetrator(s).

The Report and Support Service operates from 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday during both term time and vacation.

We will contact you within three days of the submission of your report to arrange a meeting to discuss ways to ensure the harassment or bullying stops and that you have access to appropriate support. 

 contact an adviser

Report anonymously

If you feel unable to identify yourself, you can choose to report harassment or bullying anonymously via the Report and Support system, but if you choose to do this, we are unable to take any direct action to stop the harassment or bullying or ensure you have access to appropriate support.

We do, however, use information from anonymous reports to inform our proactive and preventative work on tackling harassment and bullying.

report anonymously
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Get in touch
Staff queries
Telephone: 01206 874402
Student queries Student Wellbeing and Inclusitivity Service
Telephone: 01206 873133