We Are Essex

Darren's story

Darren Herbet We Are Essex

"Even if you helped just one person, you’ve done right."

Something that will probably stick with me from my time working here is something that happened a few weeks ago. A young chap was very down; I think he just lost a family member. He was talking to me at the front desk and I asked him if he wants to speak to Bev [Essex Business School Student Services Manager].

The next day I gave him a follow up email, not something corporate, but I just asked him how he is and that he can come and have a chat with me if he feels like it. And he came back to me saying that ‘You know what, I really appreciate the message and it makes me feel so much better, I will come and speak to you.’

So with everything that we do, it’s nice to know that you are actually making a difference in the students’ lives, even if it is just for a quick chat from time to time. I think even if you helped just one person, you’ve done right.


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