In recognition of World Menopause Day, we've asked seven members of staff to share their insights, answer common questions, and offer any guidance they may have on navigating the experience of Perimenopause and Menopause.

Whether you're experiencing it yourself, or want to be a better ally, we hope these personal experiences offer valuable knowledge, reduce stigma, and encourage open conversations.

For further information on the support available to you by the University, check out our line manager guidance available on our website.

Can you describe when and how you first started noticing symptoms of menopause?

It was at the beginning of the pandemic and then it made me realise the symptoms I had before this time were probably due to being peri menopausal. My periods were always regular. I had fibroids removed before COVID and thought my periods were now light due to their removal but I was then skipping periods and my periods were getting lighter and lighter each time. For me it was the change in my period that diagnosed it for me. I began suffering with migraines when I was 35. I became anxious as soon as I woke up in the morning and was having the odd hot flush and night sweat too. I also put it down to the times we were going through but think really due to peri-menopause.

How did you feel when you realized you were entering menopause?

I just knew I had to immediately do my research and investigate how I can deal with these symptoms. I kind of went into survival mode and was determined I would look into how I can look after myself. I suffered with low moods with my PMT and was concerned my moods would get worse with menopause.

What physical symptoms have you experienced during menopause?

Hot flushes, night sweats, dry eye.

Which symptoms have been the most challenging for you?

Dry eye.

Have you noticed any changes in your energy levels or sleep patterns?

I felt tired and crashed at weekends and kept waking up a few times in the night. That all changed when I discovered a natural product from Pruvit called ketones.

Do you feel that menopause has impacted your cognitive functions, such as memory or concentration?

Yep definitely - slight brain fog.

What strategies or treatments have you used to manage your menopause symptoms?

I discovered Pruvit Ketones. A natural drink that puts you into ketosis. Within 59 minutes it puts you into ketosis your brain is switched on and helps you to reject any sugar cravings and I decided to change my nutrition keeping it low carb. Being in ketosis gives me more energy and helps me to sleep better as I had the energy for exercise too. Also, incorporating intermittent fasting and longer periods of fasting I know have helped.

How effective have these strategies or treatments been for you?

I am now 51 and feeling better than ever!

Have you sought professional medical advice or support? If so, how was your experience with healthcare providers?

When I thought I was perimenopausal I asked for a blood test which was rejected. Reason given was that I am that age.

How has menopause affected your relationships with your partner, family, or friends?

When I look back, I remember having to control being enraged.

What has been the most surprising aspect of menopause for you?

How I feel better than I’ve ever done but I have Pruvit ketones to thank for it as it also helps with hormonal balance.

What advice would you give to other women who are about to enter menopause?

Look into your lifestyle and nutrition, exercise more even if it’s going for walks, be with nature, listen to music, talk to others and do your research.

Is there anything you wish you had known about menopause before experiencing it?

Plenty! It was through social media following certain Drs and celebrities talking through their own experience that helped me to do my own research.

Have your views on aging or womanhood changed because of your menopause experience?

Yes, I feel I now have more knowledge and love constantly learning.

What positive changes, if any, have you noticed since entering menopause?

I am fitter and stronger both in mind and body.