We are committed to informing the global transition to a greener future
We bring together world-leading, impact-focused researchers from across our University that address environmental issues, including how society and environment interact, which builds cross-disciplinary connections to produce world-changing environmental research.
We are committed to informing the global transition to a greener future which includes support for increased environmental well-being and social and economic justice, investment in the green economy and underpinning all this is nature recovery. Our members work closely with a range of local, regional, national and international groups to enhance understanding, engagement and impact.
With a diverse membership from across all Schools and Faculties, our Centre is home to both staff and postgraduate students and acts as a hub for interdisciplinary research, helping to foster links and champion research opportunities between researchers, students and external organisations. . The Centre is run by Directors from the three University faculties; Prof Thomas Cameron (School of Life Sciences), Dr Katy Wheeler (Department of Sociology and Criminology), and Dr Ellisif Wasmuth (School of Philosophical, Historical, and Interdisciplinary Studies), supported by a core Advisory group from each University School.