School of Life Sciences

Research staff

Our Senior Research Officers develop research objectives and proposals for own or joint research under the direction of, or with assistance from, one of our academics as a Principal Investigator/Supervisor.

Research Officers and Fellows

Senior Research Officer, School of Life Sciences
Senior Research Officer, School of Life Sciences
Senior Research Officer, School of Life Sciences
Senior Research Officer, School of Life Sciences
Senior Research Officer, School of Life Sciences
Senior Research Officer, School of Life Sciences
Senior Research Officer, School of Life Sciences
Senior Research Officer, School of Life Sciences
Senior Research Officer, School of Life Sciences
Senior Research Officer, School of Life Sciences
Senior Research Officer, School of Life Sciences
Senior Research Officer, School of Life Sciences
Research Officer, School of Life Sciences
Senior Research Officer.., School of Life Sciences
Research Officer, School of Life Sciences
Senior Research Officer, School of Life Sciences
Senior Research Officer, School of Life Sciences
Senior Research Officer, School of Life Sciences
Controlled Environment Agriculture Research Plant Scientist, School of Life Sciences
Senior Research Officer, School of Life Sciences
Senior Research Officer, School of Life Sciences
Senior Research Officer, School of Life Sciences
Senior Research Officer, School of Life Sciences
Senior Research Officer, School of Life Sciences
Research interests: 1998 2001 Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Essex, Colchester, Essex; Genetic manipulation of the control of photosynthesis by SBPase Project. Work involved developing protocols for transforming, screening and analyzing wild-type and anti-sense tobacco plants.; 1995 - 1997 Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Essex, Colchester, Essex; Working on MAPLE project (Micro evolutionary adaptation of plants to elevated CO2). Work involved establishing experimental design & methodology; implementation of research; evaluation of results, collaboration with other research groups in EU working on MAPLE project.; 1993 - 1994 Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Essex, Colchester, Essex; Review the literature and establish a database for work published on FACE (Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment) experiments; 1990 1992 Dept. of Pathology & Microbiology, University of Bristol: Project investigated the use of molecular biology to provide further diagnostic and prognostic data on childhood tumours This information was used in conjunction with the more standard clinical tests to provide a tailor-made treatment for each patient.
Senior Research Fellow, School of Life Sciences
Research interests: The overall theme of my research is based on reaching an understanding of structure-function relationship of proteins, enzymes and their complexes, including those involved in disease (e.g. ALS), via advanced computational and experimental approaches. This encompasses synchrotron radiation, protein crystallography, XAFS, SAXS, SAD phasing, catalysis, structure-based drug discovery, molecular dynamics and computational chemistry.;
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Life Sciences
Senior Research Officer, School of Life Sciences