We have an extensive network of national and international collaborations through projects funded by UKRI (especially NERC, and also BBSRC, STFC and ESRC), the EU, and various foundations and stakeholders. We also have access to funded PhD studentships via the NERC ARIES doctoral training partnership.
We have also been involved in several responsive projects and many major large directed research programmes from NERC, including: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability, Environmental Microbiology and Human Health, INSITE, Emerging Risks of Chemicals in the Environment, Understanding Urban Soil Properties, Functions, and Below-Ground Inter-Connections.
Our research is supported by state-of-the-art laboratory and facilities infrastructure, which includes the latest molecular ecology facilities (e.g. ddPCR, NGS and robotic high-throughput liquid handling systems), analytical equipment (including new triple-quadrupole GC-MS, and ICP-MS). We have large-scale mesocosm and microbiological cultivation facilities, as well as access to the marine and freshwater environments via our group’s new research vessels.