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Special Collections

A collaboration between the University of Essex, the Department of Literature, Film and Theatre Studies and the Albert Sloman Library.

Our Writing Courses
Smudged draft manuscript of The Peregrine by JA Baker

The John Alec Baker Archive

J A Baker was passionate about the Essex countryside and was best known for his first and most successful work, The Peregrine (1967), summarising his ten-year observations of the bird.
Held in our Special Collections, the Library archive includes Baker's letters, early manuscripts, unpublished works, ornithological diaries, photographs, and binoculars among other items.
“Thanks to this collaboration with the University of Essex, we can finally share Baker’s story with the people of Chelmsford in a creative and meaningful way, in this first exhibition exploring his life. I hope it will give visitors a deeper understanding of this long mysterious figure, as well as a greater appreciation of Essex’s natural landscapes."
Sarah Harvey (Essex Art History Alumni) Curatorial and LEarning Officer, Chelmsford Museum

The University of Essex is one of only five universities in the UK to offer a taught postgraduate course in the Department of Literature, Film and Theatre Studies on literature and the environment with a unique combination in contemporary nature writing, ecocentrism, and psychogeographic literature. These courses are driven by internationally renowned scholar Professor Susan Oliver and a known member of the Centre for Creative Writing, Dr James Canton.

Dr James Canton has been hugely involved in building and raising the awareness of the Baker Collection from 2016 to highlight the significant connection between humans and nature through writing.

View our Postgraduate Taught courses

About our Library

Our Colchester Campus Albert Sloman Library houses Special Collections, over 70 individual archives containing primary source materials and collections covering a variety of subjects and time periods. The collections provide a valuable resource for teaching, through object-based learning and for research.


Outside shot of the Albert Sloman Library looking up at the eaves and the concrete detail. There is also a hint of blue sky behind the impressive library building at the Colchester Campus of the University of Essex.
Do you want to learn more?

If you are interested to know what else our library has to offer, you can chat with our librarians face-to-face on campus. You can also visit the library website for a quick overview about our available collections and other archives.

J A Baker: A Brief History

Chelmsford City Museum showcases items from the J A Baker Collection, detailing the life and work of one of the UK's most influential nature writers. The Restless Brilliance Exhibition celebrates and charts Baker's life, from his childhood through to his later years. His story is shared through more than 60 objects, loaned from the University's collection. It looks at his lifelong interest in the Essex countryside and his campaigns against the destruction of wildlife. 

The themes of his work resonate with the environmental concerns of today and his poetic nature writing has influenced many twenty-first century writers. Contemporary naturalists, including Sir David Attenborough and Chris Packham, has hailed his book The Peregrine as "highly influential" and his legacy endures through the timeless impact of his work - a testament to his unmatched ability to articulate the beauty and brutality of the natural world.

The story of J. A. Baker and the Peregrine at the Chelmsford Museum
The story of J. A. Baker and the Peregrine at the Chelmsford Museum

About the Restless Brilliance Exhibition

Launched on 23 March 2024, the story of J A Baker allows visitors to the exhibition to listen to extracts from the Sir David Attenborough-voiced audiobook of The Peregrine. Recordings of J A Baker's many other works such as poetry, correspondence, and diaries made by local communities and environmental charities like the Essex Wildlife Trust are available to examine at the Chelmsford City Museum.

The descriptive catalogue is available to view and reveal insights into the author's influences and other literary works loaned by the University of Essex to the exhibition. The museum includes contributions from local artists who have responded to Baker's works, such as an immersive soundscape of the Blackwater Estuary by Stuart Bowditch. 


Six items from the Baker Archive Collection in a form of a collage
J A Baker’s extensive archive reveals so much about the fascinating author and we’ve been honoured to provide a home for it at the University of Essex, where we preserve his legacy and invaluable contributions to nature writing. Our MA Wild Writing students already gain so much from being able to access the Archive. This will open Baker up to an even wider audience.
Dr Sarah Demelo Curator (ESCALA, ART and SPECIAL Collections) Library and CUltural Services

Literature, Landscape and the Environment

Joined by a number of academics in the department, Dr James Canton and his colleagues further highlight the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature through their Podcast series: "Louder than Words: The Web of Life." This podcast series aims to open up and discuss challenging topics from a variety of perspectives; particularly about how we talk and feel about the natural world at this time of environmental crisis.

In 2017, Dr James Canton at the Lakeside Theatre delved into Baker's world: his life in Chelmsford, surrounding landscapes, his nature writing and his legacy. Another element of nature writing in Dr James Canton's work was recently featured in The Oak Papers, a meditation on the human need for connection with nature which reflects on the relationship with an ancient oak tree. Through this collection, J A Baker has had a huge impact on the currently resurgent new nature writing and our MA Wild Writing students obtained inspiration from the varied items donated to the Library's archive.

Learn more about our MA Wild Writing course

Digitised book cover of The Peregrine
J A Baker Archive Catalogue

Located in the Albert Sloman Library Special Collections Reading Room and compiled by Hetty Saunders in 2016, this descriptive catalogue reveal insights into the author's life and influences. An itinerary list of items loaned to the Restless Brilliance Exhibition and other literary works by John Alec Baker is listed in the guide.

Browse the catalogue
Get in touch
Library and Cultural Services We encourage anyone with further information, including personal memories, relevant to John Alec Baker, to contact the Special Collection Team and help preserve the Archive.
Our Special Collections Reading Room is open from Tuesday to Friday with booking appointments available from: 9am-12pm or 1pm-4pm.
Telephone: 01206 87 3192
Department of Literature, Film and Theatre Studies 5NW.6.16
University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO4 3SQ
Telephone: +44 (0)1206 872626
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