Department of Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies


We offer a variety of specialist facilities all to support the teaching and research experience to the highest standard and launch your creative career.

Film students using production equipment

Where critical thinking and creative development merge together

For the writers, the reporters, the performers and the ones delving into their passions, this is where you start.

Make anything possible with our resource and equipment

Designed to support your creativity and collaboration, you will have access to professional-level facilities for exploring works in film, literature and in theatre to ensure you gain hands-on experience - ready for the industry of your choosing.


A large yellow circle with "Up Lift Comedy Film Festival" in pink and black text. The circle is on a multi-coloured background.
Uplift Film Festival

UpLift is an international film festival, organised by students at the Department of Literature, Film and Theatre Studies (LiFTS). The festival screens film work and hosts additional activities that focus on particular themes or filmmaking modes. This year we will be screening 24 short comedy films on 21 March 2025.

Learn more about this event
4 students standing outside on the grass with 2 reading notes from books while a third writes
Any questions?
Department of Literature, Film and Theatre Studies LiFTs Taught Team
University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO4 3SQ
Telephone: +44 (0)1206 872626