Research Cluster

Transnationalism, Nation and Rights

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We examine the formation of resilient and diverse societies

Our research cluster focuses on citizenship and human rights, international migration, multi-culturalism, indigenous rights and re-configuring the nation, refugees, social and economic integration of migrants and the second generation.

This research cluster closely aligns with the work of the Centre for Migration Studies but also with research affiliated to and related to the Centre for Human Rights at the University of Essex. Our research covers topics such as the successful incorporation of migrants, the formation of resilient diverse societies, and the understanding and interpretation of rights in our daily lives.

View our list of researchers below. Visit their staff profiles to learn more about their individual research and supervision status:

Contact us
Departmental Director of Research Dr Neli Demireva
University of Essex
Department of Sociology and Criminology University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO4 3SQ
Telephone: 01206 873275