Elections to Honorary Degrees and Honorary Fellowships Committee

Becoming a member

Elections to Honorary Degrees and Honorary Fellowships Committee

Nominations were recently sought for one member of permanent academic staff who has a contract of employment commencing at least 20 working days prior to the call for nominations and whose contract extends to at least 31 July 2025.



One nomination was received by the deadline in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and the Faculty of Social Sciences, therefore the following representatives are duly elected unopposed as the representative for their Faculty for a period of three years (2024-25 to 2026-27):

  • Dr Olayinka Lewis, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
  • Dr Jessica Battersby, Faculty of Social Sciences

Two nominations were received for the Faculty of Science and Health, therefore a ballot will be held. Ballot information will be sent by email on Wednesday 19 June 2024 to those who are eligible to vote.


Date of election

The date of election shall be Friday 5 July 2024.

Further details on the Honorary Degrees and Honorary Fellowships Committee can be found on the Honorary Degree nominations webpage.

Further information

Further information on Honorary Graduates and the committee process can be found on the Honorary Graduates webpage.

The membership and terms of reference for the Joint Committee of Senate and Council can be found on the Council Committee webpage.

Acceptance of the membership of HDHFC is construed as acceptance of the Governor Code of Conduct.

The successful candidate in each election will be required to complete all the Essential Training as set out in the Essential Training Policy prior to the first meeting taking place.

Each successful candidate will be required to submit a personal details form, equality and diversity monitoring form and a register of interest declaration upon appointment.





Meeting dates 

 Meeting date

The formal committee meeting will take place on Monday 3 February 2025, however a Nominations Review will take place early in the Spring term.