Masters study

Part-time Masters

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Study part-time for your Masters


We know that everyone's personal circumstances are different, and that studying full-time is not ideal for everyone. So why not study a Masters part-time? Graduate with the same qualification, but spread the study over a longer period.


Why should I study part-time instead of full-time?

Whether you choose to study full-time or part-time is entirely up to you and what suits your personal needs best. Whichever study mode you choose, you will still qualify with the same degree at the end of your period of study. Part-time courses are great for those who want to work alongside a degree or have other commitments that mean they cannot study full-time.

Which Masters courses are available part-time?

We currently offer a range of Masters courses with a part-time option from a wide range of our academic departments. There are part-time Masters available in our Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Humanities and our Faculty of Science and Health.

Scroll down this page to view all of the courses that are currently available part-time.

How long is a part-time Masters course?

A part-time Masters will generally take twice as long as a full-time Masters. A full-time Masters will usually take one year, so studying part-time will spread study over two years. Part-time students follow the same modules as full-time students but balance the modules across two years of study.

Generally credits are split fairly equally across each year. The dissertation is usually taken in the second year which often means that more taught modules (which include lectures and seminars) are taken in the first year. However, this does depend on the individual course.

Details on course length can be found on individual course pages.

What support will I be offered if I study part-time?

As well as having access to our Student Services Hub you will be able to join the part-time students network. The network offers support and a social group for students studying part-time across all of our campuses. 

Is there accommodation available?

Once you have received and accepted an offer of study from the University, you will be able to apply for accommodation on campus, however the offer of accommodation is not guaranteed.

If you would like support finding accommodation off campus you can also contact SU Homes, which is run by our Students' Union and helps you to find somewhere to live in Colchester.

How do I apply for a part-time Masters course?

Learn more about how to apply to Essex and other important things to consider.

Are there specific entry restrictions for part-time Masters courses?

If you are an EU or EEA national, you will only be able to study a part-time course if you hold settled status in the UK. If you are a non-EEA, and non-UK national, you will only be able to study a part-time course if you hold a UK immigration permission which allows part-time study. If you will need a student visa to study in the UK then you will not be able to study part-time.

In many cases we offer the same course in both part-time and full-time modes, so if you are not able to study part-time we will still be able to consider you for the same full-time course, where this is offered.

Browse our part-time Masters courses

1 - 10 of 175 results

Courses (175)

Student standing between The Towers in a red coat, holding a book
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