Snapping the Stiletto

Homeland is Presence

Homeland is Presence is a project in which a diverse group of women came together to understand the local environment and communicate with the plants we share in our collective home and land in Essex.

Homeland is Presence took place through a series of foraging walks in various landscapes across Essex over the Summer, Autumn and Winter of 2021. Our walks triggered memories which connect us to the power and abundance of the natural world. We gently discovered ways together that we could share traditional plant folklores and medicines connecting us to our roots whilst exploring local wild plants available to us.

The book created as part of this project entailed stories, remedies, recipes and rituals that are infused with cherished recollections and inspired celebrations of a unique relationship that a diverse group of women created on our collective journey where cultural heritage and local landscape became one. 

Along with the videos, which can be found below, we also held a touring exhibition.

The film

Wild Evening Primrose

We shared our collective knowledge on this early September wildflower. We discussed its benefits in oil, capsule and processed forms.

So much laughter evoked around eating this flower, so much joy shared under the mid afternoon sunshine in Highwoods Country Park.

Watch on Youtube


We learnt from Aunty Fazend as she showed us the benefits of ‘Dandasa’ of the walnut tree a natural remedy of Pakistan. This remedy is renowned for its uses as a natural and instant teeth whitening agent. It is mentioned in Ayurvedic scriptures as a potent medicine for oral diseases.

The use of the dampened bark instantly whitens the teeth. The whitening action is due to the presence of carbonates, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, manganese and zinc ions found in the walnut bark.

Watch on Youtube

Rujina’s Vlog

"This was my first experience of Foraging and Cooking walk. It was a beautiful and amazing experience that I want to share with all"

Watch on Youtube