Events for schools and colleges

Revision camps

Birds eye view of a group of students sat at a table studying in the EBS building.

Our interactive online revision workshops provide effective strategies to support exam preparation. Designed to help students stay focused, work smarter, and build confidence, these sessions offer a fresh approach to revision.

Led by expert academics, each session includes guided activities and practical techniques to make revision more engaging. From improving memory and study methods to developing critical thinking skills, there is something for everyone.



Upcoming Virtual Revision Workshops

Making the most of revising with your study buddy  


This session, delivered by Mandy Bannerman, is about ways to make revising easier by working with a friend. We will look at: setting goals; ways to share what you have learned; making it fun; avoiding distractions, and keeping positive. The aim is to feel focused, effective and confident!


Critical Thinking: how to control the weather, why reading makes your feet grow, and the danger of watching Nicholas Cage movies  


Critical thinking is the skill of assessing evidence and information to make robust and sound judgements. Led by Dr James O'Geran, this session will look at examples of how poor critical thinking can lead to incorrect conclusions, and use what we have learned to undertake some simple data analysis (no maths required!).

Enhancing revision strategies  


In this session, delivered by Amanda Morris, you will learn about your short-term and long-term memory, including how information is lost from our memory.  We will use this knowledge to explore revision strategies that work alongside our natural memory process, to make the best use of the time you dedicate to revision.

You can also access our recorded skills workshops for even more revision technique!.