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Events for Schools and Colleges

Event cancelled: STEM-tacular (previously Big Bang)

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A celebration of STEM for young people

STEM-tacular is a celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) for year 9 students from secondary schools across Essex, Suffolk and East London. 

Join us on 31 March 2020 at our Colchester campus for the STEM event of the year, and give 30 of your year 9 students an interactive, fun-filled and educational experience they'll never forget. 

During this one-day event at our Colchester campus, students are invited to visit a range of insightful and thought-provoking sessions provided by our academics and external providers, our interactive STEM marketplace and our headline show. 


Schools will need to arrive from 9:30am for a 9:45am start, and will be free to leave from approx. 3:30pm

How to book 

Bookings can be made via our Online Booking Form. Once your booking is complete, one of our team will be in contact to confirm your schools place at STEM-tacular. 

External providers 

If you are an external provider who is interested in providing a hands-on workshop or a stand in our interactive marketplace, please email


The University of Essex has now agreed to adopt additional action to protect our staff, students and our wider community against the spread and impact of COVID-19. As the number of cases in the UK increases, we have taken pre-emptive steps to protect members of our community from the risk of infection. 

From Monday 23 March we started implementing enhanced protection measures, which, amongst other steps included suspending all University public events and gatherings, including our face to face schools engagement work. 

This therefore means that, unfortunately this event has had to be cancelled.  

We appreciate you may already have transport in place for these events, if you are outside your cancellation period for coaches or are unable to claim the money back from your school insurance please let us know by contacting

We know this will be as disappointing to you as it is to us, and we do hope that you and your students can continue to be supported by the University of Essex virtually through resources that we are currently developing.

If any of your staff or students would like to access our Faith Centre while on campus, please let the event organiser know.

Get in touch
Tom Driscoll