Center for Behavioural Science Members

Organisation cluster

The organisation cluster studies the dynamics of people’s collaboration and collective action towards shared goals.

Our research delves into the governance of businesses, seeking to understand and improve how companies are structured and managed for optimal performance. We explore the decision-making processes within juries and committees, aiming to unravel the complexities of group judgments and consensus-building.

Another key area of our study is team dynamics, where we investigate how teams can be organised and motivated to enhance creativity and productivity.

Through this cluster, we aim to provide insights into effective organisational strategies and foster a deeper understanding of collaboration in various contexts.

Our members

Faculty Dean Research (Science and Health) - Professor (R), School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science (SMSAS)
Research interests: Animal movement and dispersal; Random walks and diffusion; Analysis of movement data; Collective behaviour; Human crowd behaviour; Animal social network analysis; Fisheries modelling, assessment, and management; Modelling population dynamics
Professor, Department of Economics
Research interests: (Evolutionary) Game Theory; Learning and Categorization; Models of (Bounded) Rationality; Social Networks; Behavioural and Experimental Economics; Family and health economics
Lecturer, Department of Economics
Research interests: Development Economics; Environmental Economics; Spatial Economics; Political Economy
Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics
Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics
Lecturer, EBS - Management and Marketing
Research interests: Market Studies and Organisational Ethnography; Brand Activism and Consumer Resistance; Consumer Neuroscience and Neuromarketing
Professor, EBS - Accounting
Research interests: Governmental financial resilience; Public sector accounting reforms; Roles, uses and users of accounting information in public services; Performance measurement in public services; Roles of accounting and accountability in inclusive public services and societies; Corruption and Supreme Audit Institutions; Digitalization of public services, accounting and accountability; Inclusion, participation and coproduction in public services: roles for accounting and accountability systems
Lecturer, Essex Law School
Research interests: Intelligence and Security; Public International Law; Human Rights; Social Science Approaches to International Law
Professor, Essex Law School
Research interests: Laws of armed conflict; Environmental law; Human rights and the environment
Faculty Director of Partnerships - Senior Lecturer (R), Essex Law School
Director of Summer Schools and Short Courses - Professor (R), Department of Government
Research interests: Political Institutions; Political Parties; Quantitative study of ideology and political attitudes
Lecturer, Department of Government
Senior Lecturer, Department of Government
Dean of Postgraduate Research and Education - Professor (R), Department of Government
Research interests: Legislative Politics; Comparative European Politics; Public Policy; Irish Politics
Professor, Department of Government
Research interests: DrReinhardts work examines how decision-making under uncertainty affects the distribution of wealth in society.; She focuses her work on the political economy of foreign aid, economic and social development, and the political and policy implications of disasters. This pursuit has drawn her inquiry in fascinating directions.; She has studied race, trust, and migration; the construction of trust by the media across levels of government; and how the allocation of foreign aid conditions its performance effectiveness.; DrReinhardt also researches political methodology, and applies established models to new problems and topics.; Her work on survey measures, experimental design, and signalling games has been seen inPolitical Analysis,theJournal of Risk Research, and the Journal of Theoretical Politics.
Professor, Department of Sociology and Criminology
Research interests: social cohesion; multiculturalism and civic integration; crime and neighbourhood effects; job search and labour market inclusion
Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Criminology
Research interests: Experimental Sociology; Climate Change; Social Cohesion; Social Networks; Quantitative Methods; Trust; Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Migration
Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology
Research interests: Cooperation and altruism; Computer modelling of social phenomenon; Applications of social cognition techniques to evolutionary questions; Biosocial psychology; Evolutionary psychology
Early Career Fellow, Department of Sociology and Criminology
Reader, EBS - Organisation Studies and Human Resource Management
Research interests: Creativity and Organisation; Collective Creativity; Leadership, Change and Transformation; Organisational Learning Mechanisms; Collaborative Management Research; Collaborative Innovation
Lecturer, Department of Economics
Research interests: Behavioral Economics; Development Economics; Experimental Economics
Close up of a lab assistant attaching electrodes to the tips of another person's fingers
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Centre for Behavioral Science
Behavioural Science Laboratory