Centre for Public and Policy Engagement

Policy Briefings and Position Papers

In the foreground is a surface covered in papers. In the background, mostly blurred, are two people looking at more paper.

We’re working with our researchers to prepare policy briefings on key research areas to help policymakers quickly understand the important insights available to them.

We will be regularly uploading new briefings with the support of the Open Innovation Team, which works with experts to generate analysis and ideas for policy to support UK Government Departments.


Policy briefing: Regulations addressing animal welfare issues during live transportation

Live animal transportation is associated with many welfare concerns including distress, injuries and prolonged hunger and thirst.

While the EU is in the process of updating its animal transport regulatory framework, the UK only published a series of propositions in 2021 that have not been translated into laws (with the exception of a recent ban in live exportation for slaughter), leaving important gaps in protection unaddressed.

Download the report (.PDF)

Create a new policy briefing

If you would like to discuss creating a policy briefing based on your research please contact policy-engagement@essex.ac.uk