Centre for Public and Policy Engagement

Policy Engagement

Houses of Parliament

The CPPE supports our academic community to build connections with decision makers at the local, national and international level enhancing the impact of our research on policy and practice.

Policy engagement at Essex

Our partnerships

HM Government Open Innovation Team

The University of Essex, alongside the Universities of York, Lancaster and Brunel, are partners in a programme with HM Government’s Open Innovation Team (OIT) that helps Government departments to ‘generate analysis and ideas by deepening collaboration with academics’.

The OIT works across all areas of government policy, providing demand-led, consultancy style service that helps officials understand and weave academic insights into their policy work. The partnership offers opportunities for PhD students and academic staff to work with the Cabinet Office and other Whitehall Departments and our academics can access specialist support to help understand and engage with the policy making process in Whitehall. The OIT offer regular training, delivered through the Impact Academy on how to influence the policy making process.

Industry and Parliament Trust

The University of Essex works with the Industry and Parliament Trust (IPT) a UK charity that provides a trusted platform of engagement between Parliament and UK business. The IPT provide regular policy training, delivered through the Impact Academy and opportunities to engage with MPs and UK business.

Universities Policy Engagement Network

The University of Essex is part the Universities Policy Engagement Network (UPEN) a community of UK universities committed to increasing the impact of research on policy. Through our membership with UPEN we have a dedicated contact point for policymakers, and the opportunity to take part in collective responses to requests for evidence.

East of England All Party Parliamentary Group

The University of Essex is a formal academic partner of the East of England All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) which brings together the East of England’s MPs and Peers with elected local leaders – and the private and third sectors – to give a strong political voice for policies which support the East of England’s economy and promote its potential as a place to work, study, live and invest.

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Centre for Public and Policy Engagement