Do you want a modular programme, or a one-off module?
If you are intending to work towards a qualification by stacking up modules, your first step will be to get in touch with us. We'll refer you to the appropriate module or programme lead to discuss your plans and come up with a pathway plan. We'll help you decide on the most suitable modules for you, taking into account your professional and personal circumstances. As you go along, this plan can be flexible, but it helps to have an idea of what modules you will take along the way from the beginning.
If you would rather study just one module as a standalone course, there's no need for a pathway plan. You can move straight on to considering your prior academic learning and professional experience.
Any academic learning or professional experience?
You may be able to use your prior academic learning and professional experience to gain credit towards the specific programme you are interested in. This process is called Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL). Further information about APEL is available from Academic Standards and Quality.
When you are making your application, it is helpful to mention your prior learning as it helps us to ensure the module is right for you. You may also require prior learning in order to start the module or pathway. Please note there is an administration fee for the APEL process request.
To discuss APEL with us, please get in touch.
Making your application
Once you have had your pathway discussion, and if necessary spoken to us about APEL, you will need to fill out the appropriate application form below.