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School of Health and Social Care

Our people

Discover the people behind health and social care at Essex

The School of Health and Social Care is home to academic experts, dedicated professionals, and the future of health and social care research.

Our academic staff hold various posts within the department, deliver excellence in the teaching of our modules, and conduct research in a wide range of specialisms.

Our professional services staff are responsible for the day-to-day operation of the department, supporting the delivery of our teaching and our research.

Our research students investigate a broad range of exciting topics and are supervised by our academic staff.

Our honorary staff are invited to teach and research in our School due to their wealth of experience and knowledge in their specialist areas.

Our Service Users Reference Group (SURG) is made up of service users, carers and volunteers. They generously share their perspectives and are involved with teaching sessions, student interviews, curriculum development, research activity and more.


Contact details and further information about the specific interests of our members can be found in their profiles.

Head and shoulders profile photo of Professor Ewen Speed
Professor Ewen Speed shortlisted for outstanding research supervisor award

Professor Ewen Speed, who has supervised fourteen doctoral students to completion since 2010, was announced as a finalist in the PhD Supervisor of the Year category at The Postgrad Awards 2022.

Read more about Ewen's nomination