School of Health and Social Care

Our academic staff

Academic staff in our School carry out teaching and research in all areas of health and social care, including pedagogy, impact of government policy, and public engagement in improving services.

Academic members of staff

Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Professor, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Responses to traumatic events (both positive and negative ie PTSD and posttraumatic growth); Self-compassion and its relationship to health; Risk behaviour in vulnerable populations; Measure development and psychometrics
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Oncology and palliative care; Child development; Transition from practice to teaching; Changing equipment provision
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Migration, care and gender; Social work, human rights and social justice; Children and youth; Global South and South Asian studies; Diversity and inequalities
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Gerontology; Physical activity; Psychometrics; Health services
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Generative AI and Social Work Histories; Brain Injury Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Bilingualism, Neurodiversity, PPI, EDI
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Professor, School of Health and Social Care
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Mental health; Qualitative research methods; Education; Phenomenology; Enactivist approaches
Professor (R) and Director NIHR Research Design Service, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Professor, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Assistive technology for people with aphasia; Reading and writing impairments in aphasia; Gesture and Alternative and Augmentative Communication; Telehealth
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Stroke rehabilitation; Patient and public involvement; Real-world data and routine clinical data; Health inequalities and public health
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Participatory action research and critical ethnography; Organisational case study &ndash sustainable health and social care; Third sector health and social care involvement; Social enterprises; People with learning disabilities; Occupational science; Food growing as a tool for community development and individual wellbeing; Permaculture as a working approach to promote occupational, social and environmental justice; The Occupational Experience of People with Different Abilities in a Horticultural Social Enterprise
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Child and adolescent mental health issues Working with service users with acute and on going mental health issues Service development
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Professor, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Professor, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Menopause in the workplace; Dementia - Fundamentals in Care; Education for Nurses and AHPs
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Chronic Kidney Disease with an emphasis on Haemodialysis therapy; Attrition in Pre-registration Nursing education; Student Fitness to Practise; The experience of Black and Minority Ethnic students in Higher Education
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Generational sociology; Individualisation
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Director of the Institute of Public Health and Wellbeing and Professor (R), School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Adult Mental Health
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Dean of School of Health and Social Care - Professor, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Professor, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Autism and Neurodiversity; Impact of speech sound disorders
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Consultation and diagnosis in nursing; Wound care in nursing; Palliative and EOL Care; Breaking bad news in palliative and EOL Care; Pressure ulcer care and management
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Football as an intervention for young people with Learning Disabilities; The link between occupation and health promotion; Social inequalities and youth offenders
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Faculty Progress and Assessment Officer (Social Sciences) - Professor, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Critical evidence synthesis in health professions education; Interprofessional education and collaborative person-centred practice; The contribution of theory and pedagogy to health professions education; Critical and post-structuralist perspectives on health professions education discourse; Innovative and critical pedagogies in curriculum design
Professor, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Social experience of long term illness; Cultural aspects and access to healthcare; Violence and access to HIV care; Drug use and offender health
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Access to primary care for special needs patients.; Quality of care for special needs patients.; Safeguarding issues pertaining to special needs patients.
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Practice Educator, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Interpersonal Relationships and the therapeutic relationship; Delivery of nurse education using the Work Based Learning Model
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Child Sexual Abuse; Domestic Abuse; Creative Social Work; Practice Education
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Global Health Policy; Global Mental Health
Professor, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (IPHW), School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Dean of Integrated Health and Care Partnerships - Professor (R), School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Long-term outcomes of children with DLD; Literacy and Language links; School-based SLT provision/service delivery models; Routes to SLT
Professor, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Bilingualism/Multilingualism; Autism; Developmental Language Disorder; Neurodiversity
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Issues related to literacy and numeracy; Dignity in care; Work based learning
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Schwartz Rounds in Health Professionals’ Education; Education and training through simulation: Evaluating the experience of staff after the Virtual Dementia Tour; The use of story work in an age inclusive dementia service: a participatory action research study; Improving Post Diagnostic Support & Quality in Dementia Services: Service Evaluation Report; Exploring the Education and Training Needs of Mental Health Nurses Caring for Clients with Urinary Incontinence: An Action Research Study; The Effect of Incontinence on Sexuality: A Nurse Patient Perspective; The Role of Clinical Supervision in Nursing; Dementia Care; End of Life Care; Use of creative arts in health & social care; Use of narratives / storytelling in healthcare; Simulation based education; Health & well-being; emotional resilience; Researching lived experience in healthcare; Service Improvement & evaluation
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Professor, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Professor, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Equity in Health; Generating and using evidence to support wise decisions; Research with people, not for people; Health System Resilience to Crises; Expanding Health Services; Geopolitical Determinants of Health; Artificial Intelligence in Health Policy
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Work related stress and burnout; Pedagogy
Deputy Director of IPHW and Professor (R), School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Therapy outcomes and effectiveness; Social care, fostering and adoption; Chronic depression: long term psychotherapy, management in primary care, informal caring; Psychiatric labelling; Social history and history of health and care; Mental health inequalities
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Dementia Care; Technology to improve independence; Placement & Clinical Education; Self-care & Occupational Balance; LGBTQ+ Healthcare
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Director of the Centre for Coastal Communities and Reader, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Professor, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Trauma care; Advanced nursing practice; Nursing Clinical Skills
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Public Health, Health Services and Primary Health Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Occupational therapy and developing, implementing, and evaluating complex health and social care interventions that address health inequities, through promoting movement, physical activity, and community participation
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Global mental health; Participatory research and arts-based methods; Anthropology and ethnography of mental health; Mental health in Africa and the global South, specifically Ghana; Spirituality and religion in mental health care, including the use of traditional and faith healers; Human rights, social justice and mental health activism; Mental health and lived experience
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Prevention of speech, language, communication and swallowing difficulties; Dysphagia; Palliative and end of life care; Practice-based learning in health education; Health education in higher education
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Social Work and Social Welfare policy and practice discourses; Grassroots welfare movements; Commons, prefigurative politics and alternative economies; Democratic engagement and involvement in health and welfare services; Postructuralist Discourse Theory
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Advanced Clinical Practice; Continuing Professional Development
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Professor, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Governance and citizenship in context of health and healthcare; Neoliberalism, the third sector and health care provision; Discourse analysis, interpretive policy analysis
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Reader (R), School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Community Psychology; Mad Studies; Trauma based approaches to mental health care; Evaluation of Social Care interventions; Parent Infant Mental Health; Impact of child abuse on adult functioning and engagement with public services
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Lived experience and self-management of chronic illness
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Psychobiological pathways from childhood adversity to severe mental illnesses; Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Language and Literacy Developement; Inclusivity in Education; Dyslexia and Reading fluency in L1 and L2; Factors influencing reading performance and language learning
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Interprofessional and cross partnership collaborative working; Professional/clinical practice in community stroke provision for working age adults; Occupational Therapy - Diverse practice placements
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care
Research interests: Causal Inference; Evidence-Informed Policy and Practice; Data Science for Health and Education; Child Health; Digital Education; Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT); Human Rights Abuse in the UK; Injustice and its Impact on Health; Institutional Child Abuse; Women's Abuse of Men and Children; Racism and Health; Mixed Methods Research