School of Health and Social Care

Our professional services staff

Education and Course Administration

Student Programme Administrator, School of Health and Social Care
Student Programme Administrator, School of Health and Social Care
Student Administrator, School of Health and Social Care
Student Programme Administrator, School of Health and Social Care
Ask me about: First line support for Accommodation, Funding, Registration, and Wellbeing assisting students in matters concerning Assessment, Graduation, Income, International Services, Careers and Skills, Student Progress and also with academic departments.
Student Programme Administrator, School of Health and Social Care
Ask me about: Programme Administration for BSc Adult and Mental Health Nursing at Colchester campus; The NHS Learning Support Fund (LSF)
Student Programme Administrator (PG), School of Health and Social Care
Apprenticeship Programme Administrator, School of Health and Social Care
Ask me about: Course timetable, modules and exams ; Coursework deadlines and submissions on FASER; Apprenticeship placement hours and tripartite meetings; Extenuating circumstances claims or requests for late submission; Apprentice attendance, or about taking a break from studies; Supporting apprentices in providing feedback on their course via the module surveys and Student Voice Groups.
Administrator for DCP Mentorship, School of Health and Social Care
Senior Student Administrator, School of Health and Social Care
Senior Student Administrator, School of Health and Social Care
Student Programme Administrator, School of Health and Social Care
Ask me about: • The course modules and exams ; • The coursework deadlines and submissions on FASER; • Extenuating circumstances claims or requests for late submission; • Student attendance in class, or about students taking a break from their studies; • NHS Learning Support Fund; • Supporting students in providing feedback on their course via Student Voice Groups.
Apprenticeship Programme Administrator, School of Health and Social Care
Ask me about: The course timetable, modules and exams ; The coursework deadlines and submissions on FASER; The apprenticeship timesheets and tripartite meetings; Extenuating circumstances claims or requests for late submission; Student attendance in class, or about students taking a break from their studies; Supporting students in providing feedback on their course via the module surveys and Student Voice Groups.; Mental Health First Aid
Apprenticeship Programme Administrator, School of Health and Social Care
Ask me about: Occupational Therapy Degree Apprenticeship ; Speech and Language Therapy Apprenticeship Degree; PGDip. Leadership in Health and Care Apprenticeship
Student Administrative Assistant/Receptionist, School of Health and Social Care
Student Programme Administrator (CPD)., School of Health and Social Care
Ask me about: The course timetable and exams; The coursework deadlines and submissions on FASER; Extenuating circumstances claims or requests for late submission; Student attendance in class, or about students taking a break from their studies; Supporting students in providing feedback on their course via the module surveys and Student Voice Groups
Student Administrator, School of Health and Social Care
Ask me about: HSC Apprenticeships - Programme Administration (Nursing)
Administrator, School of Health and Social Care
Assessment Officer, School of Health and Social Care
Ask me about: HSC Board of Examiners meetings; HSC Results and outcome letters; HSC Rules of Assessment; HSC External Examiners; Extenuating Circumstances and Late Submission policies
Interprofessional Learning Administrator, School of Health and Social Care
Apprenticeship Programme Administrator, School of Health and Social Care
Ask me about: Tripartite Reviews; Gateway & Exit Interviews
Admissions Administrator (School of Health & Social Care), School of Health and Social Care
Ask me about: HSC Interview Operations/Processes; Booking your interview for HSC courses; Admissions for HSC courses; Admissions for HSC apprenticeship courses (employer funded)
Student Programme Administrator, School of Health and Social Care
Ask me about: Extenuating circumstances claims or requests for late submission; Student absence from a teaching session; Submission deadlines and where students are required to submit their work; Relevant documentation required for module submissions; Viewing student resources on Moodle
Admissions International Officer (Compliance and Operations), CER - Undergraduate and Postgraduate Admissions
Admissions Administrator, School of Health and Social Care