Essex Law Clinic

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Essex Law Clinic Staff

Meet the team behind the successful Essex Law Clinic

Our team members are made up of academics and students. Our academics have extensive knowledge and experience in the legal profession and are best placed to lead the clinic and oversee the high-level training our students both receive and deliver to the local community.

Clinic Core Team

Professor Donald Nicolson


Essex Law Clinic, University of Essex

Awarded an OBE in 2011 for his services to the legal profession, Donald became Director of the Essex Law Clinic in 2017 after founding both the University of Bristol Law Clinic and the multi award winning University of Strathclyde Law Clinic. Donald sat on the Law Society’s Access to Justice Committee and was a founding Director of LawWorks Scotland, and is still a Trustee of the Clinical Legal Education Organisation.

 Elizabeth Fisher-Frank

Acting Director

Essex Law Clinic, University of Essex

Liz is a solicitor (non-practising) with many years experience in representing clients in social welfare law, in particular family law, care proceedings and children’s rights. She set up and managed projects in law firms and local and national charities aimed at improving access to justice for vulnerable young people. She has also campaigned on access to justice issues plus has written for the legal press about this. She is a former member of the Law Society’s Children Panel and its Children Law Sub Committee. In September 2019 she was appointed to the Law Society's Family Committee which considers legal and policy issues. In 2023, she was ‘highly commended’ for her community work in the national Lexis Nexis Family Law Awards. She has a Creative Writing MA and writes novels, plays and scripts with legal themes.

 Lucy Davies


Essex Law Clinic, University of Essex

Lucy’s expertise is in housing law and issues relating to homelessness. She brings practical experience of legal aid housing law advice provision, mediation and welfare and debt advice through her work at Shelter Legal and Citizens Advice. Lucy has continued her connection with legal practice and was Housing Legal Aid Supervisor at Suffolk Law Centre until December 2023 and remains active in housing law practice as a housing possession court duty adviser at Ipswich, Chelmsford and Bury St Edmunds County Courts and a member of the Citizens Advice Housing Expert Panel. Since joining the Law Clinic, Lucy has developed the Clinic’s capacity to provide housing and homelessness advice on campus and at community outreach, expanding opportunities for student work in the community and supervising public legal education and advice work in housing law.

Dr Olayinka Lewis


Essex Law Clinic, University of Essex

Olayinka worked as Academic Director of The Law Clinic at Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen. There, he implemented the expansion of the Law Clinic’s clientele, advice provision, and volunteer numbers. ‘Yinka previously worked as a solicitor for a number of years within the UK and abroad in various areas of law including petroleum law, commercial law, civil litigation, and immigration and asylum law. He has interests and expertise in immigration and asylum law and is passionate to provide immigration advice and training.

Dr Michele Stephens

Law Clinic Administrator

Essex Law Clinic, University of Essex

Michele Stephens holds a PhD in Latin American History from the University of Oklahoma and an LLM in International Human Rights Law from the University of Essex. Michele has taught Latin American and Native American history at the university level for more than a decade and is looking forward to working with Law students and faculty in a different capacity. She recently worked on a British Academy-funded research project exploring the experiences of abuse survivors in family court. In her spare time, she serves as an expert witness researcher for the Center for Gender and Refugee Studies (US), helping US immigration attorneys secure asylum for victims of gender-based violence from Mexico and Central America.

Urszula Nitecka

Student Co-Director

Essex Law Clinic, University of Essex

Urszula Nitecka is a second-year undergraduate LLB student. She has been involved with the Essex Law Clinic since her first year, where she contributed to the housing and homelessness project, working with clients at an outreach centre in Essex, as well as contributing to projects dedicated to improving access to justice. As the Student Director, Urszula is passionate about advocating for the Clinic’s student members, ensuring they are supported and empowered in their roles. She is dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment where students can develop their skills and make a positive impact on the community. Her passion for engaging with people and making a positive difference drives her continued commitment to both the Clinic and its community. After graduating, Urszula hopes to become a solicitor and continue advocating for social justice.

Mackenzie Wilkinson-Rouse

Student Co-Director

Essex Law Clinic, University of Essex

Mackenzie is a third year LLB student, who has been an active member of the Clinic since his first year. Mackenzie began his time in the clinic as a part of the Homelessness and Housing project and has attended many sessions at Beacon House, an outreach centre in Colchester, providing support to those facing homelessness. Mackenzie’s dedication to the Clinic has allowed him to take on cases while maintaining his role within the Housing project. After witnessing the injustice that the homeless community face, Mackenzie is committed to improving access to justice in our local community. Once graduated, Mackenzie aims to become a solicitor using the skills he has developed within his role in the Clinic to support vulnerable members of the community. 

Essex Law Clinic Group Members
Where it all began

From it's launch in 2008, the Clinic's objectives are to enhance access to justice while providing students with experience in putting their legal knowledge into practice, learning legal skills and developing ethical awareness. In 2022, this remains a fundamental objective of the Essex Law Clinic.

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