Research Project

How to recognise Online Romance Fraud 

Love heart firework rocket

Romance Fraud is the creation of a supposed friendship or relationship to exploit somebody for financial gain. Typically, fraudsters seek access to people online with the pretence of seeking a relationship. Fraudsters invest significant amounts of time into manipulating their victims with the knowledge that as they gain their victim’s trust, the chances of getting money from them increases.

Typically, the signs can manifest as:

  • An individual presents as someone who can support you but then require your support instead
  • They rarely want to meet in person (but this is still possible)
  • Some techniques based on gender may include:
    • Male profiles will likely present as being very successful, with promise of a great life after some small investment
    • Female profiles will likely present as being in distress and looking for support and compassion

What are the signs?

Fraudsters invest significant amounts of time into manipulating their victims with the knowledge that as they gain their victim’s trust, the chances of getting money from them increases. Typical signs that you may be caught in an online romance fraud are:

  • Long-term schemes: Romance fraud is typically a long-term scheme.
  • Veiled requests for money: A fraudster may not be blunt with their requests. They may hide requests for money as requests for affection.
  • Presented as genuine romance: The fraudster will typically present themselves as genuine romantic prospect, in order to gain your trust.
  • Bold requests for money: They may also be bold in their requests in an attempt to make a victim feel fear if they don't send money.
  • Grooming techniques: Online grooming and psychological abuse are used to undermine a potential victim's sense of disbelief.
  • Frequent unavailability: Online grooming and psychological abuse are used to undermine a potential victim's sense of disbelief.
  • Too good to be true: They may study your online profiles to present their fake persona as exactly what you are looking for.
  • Something feels 'off': It is easy to fall for this type of fraud. Scammers are often experienced and know how to manipulate. If something feels off, it could be because the relationship is not genuine.

Victims often experiences feelings of...

  • Blame
  • Fear
  • Resentment
  • Embarrassment
  • Shame
  • Guilt
  • Failure
  • Loss of identity

and many other emotional effects of romance fraud. The financial loss and emotional trauma suffered by the victims have long lasting impact. Victims of online romance fraud require not only support from professionals but also from family and friends.