It's important that health and safety is used as a reason to ensure safety for all, rather than an excuse to stop certain groups of people from participating. Our health and safety arrangements should take account of employees, students and visitors who may be at greater risk of harm from our activities.
To make sure they are safe it may mean that extra precautions are needed to protect them. Some general guidance is given below for known groups at increased risk. Please contact Workplace Health, Safety and Wellbeing (WHSW) if you wish to discuss any specific concerns.
“The University of Essex is equally committed to excellence in education and research, for the benefit of individuals, communities and society. We are proud to offer a transformational research-led education, welcoming students to the University on the basis of their potential, helping them to fulfil that potential, and transforming the lives of everyone who chooses to study at Essex.” (Strategic Plan 2019-28)
We are preparing students for the world of work, so we have a responsibility to lead by example in meeting our health and safety responsibilities to students who are studying or working for us. Communicating the importance of health and safety and involving them in the management of risk will not only protect our students but help them to develop relevant skills and capabilities.
Accident statistics show that new employees are more likely to have an accident in their first months of employment than during the rest of their working lives. Students and new employees may be more at risk of harm because they:
Younger students and workers may also lack the physical, psychological or emotional capability or maturity to cope with certain work demands.
It is important that new students and employees are given health and safety induction and any additional training and supervision needed to protect them. It is also important you and your team set a good example by working safely and reporting health and safety concerns.
Essex Interns and apprentices should be given the same health and safety induction as any other new employee.
We have a duty of care to all our students when travelling, studying, researching and working in the UK and abroad as part of their degree course. The law requires organisers of student placements to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that students are not placed in an environment where there are significant risks to their health and safety.
Placement organisers need to take account of various risk factors, including those associated with the work, study, research, location and individual students. If you are involved with arranging student placements please refer to our student placements health and safety standard for further information.
The law defines young people as those who have not yet attained the age of 18. They can be at greater risk because they:
The law specifically requires that when young people are employed, risk assessments must take account of their lack of experience and maturity, their physical and psychological capability; and potentially increased risk from exposure to some physical and chemical agents. The same standard of health and safety would be expected for students under 18 who are taking part in study, activities or events organised by the University, under the general duties of the Health and Safety at Work Act.
If you are responsible for supervising a young person, you will need to ensure your risk assessment takes account of the above factors. You may need to:
It is important that young people are given the opportunity to develop new skills. In many cases all that may be needed is closer supervision by a competent employee. However children (under 16s) must not be exposed to certain work hazards (see below).
In addition, please refer to our Policy on Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk and associated guidance for children and students who are under 18.
If you invite visitors to the University, you are responsible for their safety whilst on campus. If you are not be supervising them directly you need to make them aware of our emergency and fire arrangements.
If your visitor may have difficulty evacuating (eg because they have a disability) you will need to follow the advice in our fire safety briefing (.pdf). If you are organising events, your risk assessment needs to take account of visitors who may be unfamiliar with the site.
It is important that risk assessments for any activities involving young children take account of the risks relating to the activity and the campus environment. Areas such as open water, under podia, vehicle movement, construction and maintenance work or aspects of building design may present significant risks to young children. Children may not recognise these hazards and, in some cases, may behave in ways that put them at greater risk.
It is important that young children are supervised by a responsible adult at all times. This could be a parent or teacher. Our Regulations on General Conduct (.pdf), includes the following specific requirements with regards to young people on campus (general regulation 7.14).
For reasons of safety, when children under the age of 12 need to be brought into University buildings, it is required that the children must be closely supervised at all times. We will require any children who are not so supervised to be removed from the building. Under no circumstances will children under the age of 12 be permitted in workshops and science department laboratories
Our buildings comply with building requirements for a building which is normally used by adults and children of more than 12 years of age. This is acceptable provided use by young children is limited and they are closely supervised at all times. However, if there are plans to provide areas for children under 12, advice must be sought on whether adaptations are required to meet additional requirements for buildings regularly used by children under 12. Please contact WHSW for advice.
There are additional legal requirements for under 16s who are on work experience. They must not carry out work that involves harmful exposure to substances, radiation, cold, heat, noise or vibration or carry out activities that are beyond their physical or psychological capabilities. Their parents or guardians must also be informed of potential risks and the measures in place to protect their child from harm.
We have specific procedures for ensuring their safety including an induction and risk assessment process.
Certain work and study activities may put pregnant employees and students or their unborn child at greater risk of harm.
The law requires that employers identify hazards in the workplace that could pose a health and safety risk to pregnant people and those with newborns, and inform those potentially at risk. Once an employee notifies their manager that they are pregnant, suitable controls measures must be put into place to protect them and their unborn child. Pregnant and nursing employees should also be provided with facilities to rest.
Please refer to the pregnancy support and guidance for advice on what to do to protect pregnant employees and their unborn child. There is also advice for students who are pregnant.
The menopause typically happens in women between age 45 and 55 and menopausal symptoms are typically experienced for several years. Symptoms can include sleep disturbance, hot flushes, muscular, bone or joint pain or psychological issues. These can affect health and safety and work performance. The CIPD guidance on The Menopause at Work provides guidance on managing employees who may be experiencing menopausal symptoms.
If an employee or student has a disability or health condition that affects their ability to carry out their work or studies safely, it will be necessary for you to review their work/study activities with them and make reasonable adjustments.
Account should be taken of the specific nature of the disability or health condition. There may be occasions where someone is unable to carry out certain work tasks due to risks to themselves or others, but these will be rare. A blanket ban on certain types of work for people with certain illnesses could be considered discrimination.
You should pay particular attention to those who may be at increased risk due to existing health conditions, such as asthma, breathing difficulties, hearing damage or hearing loss and dermatitis. For electromagnetic fields, those with active and passive medical devices are considered high-risk.
If you have concerns about the effects of a disability or health condition on an employee’s work you can contact Occupational Health for advice. Occupational Health can also provide advice for students undertaking clinical placements and students working at Wivenhoe House Hotel. For other students, advice should be sought from Student Wellbeing.
Factors such as increased life expectancy, removal of the default retirement age and raising of the State Pension Age, means that many people will need, and want to continue working, leading to an increase in the proportion of older people in the workplace.
Some work is physically demanding and requires a reasonable level of fitness to be performed safely (e.g significant manual handling). This has led to some employers expressing concern about the suitability of older workers to perform such work. However, research has shown that physical fitness varies greatly across individuals of all ages and that age-related decline in physical capacity does not normally adversely affect job performance.
Whilst cognitive performance can reduce in workers over 70, this is generally compensated for by better experience, judgement and job knowledge. Older workers bring a broad range of skills and experience to the workplace, so it makes sense to look after their health and safety.
More information:
It is important to take account of other diversity issues when assessing and managing risk, however health and safety should not be used as a reason for discrimination on the grounds of factors such as race, gender, religion or belief. Examples of areas which may need to be considered as part of your risk assessment are: