Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP)

The University aims to assist any person who may have difficulty in evacuating any of its buildings in the event of an emergency such as a fire. These difficulties could arise from permanent, long term or temporary reasons. Although not exhaustive, the following is a guide as to what may be relevant:

  • Mobility impairment ranging from strains and sprains through use of walking aid and wheelchair; most relevant are problems using stairs, travelling distances or opening doors
  • Visual or hearing problems, in particular not becoming aware that a fire alarm has actuated or being able to follow directions (signs or verbal)
  • Dexterity issues which may cause difficulty opening doors
  • Cognitive problems or learning difficulties; those relevant would be such as panic attacks or difficulty in following or comprehending instructions

Employees and students or their relevant line manager / tutor must make the Fire Safety team aware if a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan is required. The Fire Safety team will complete an evacuation plan with the person requiring a PEEP. 

Creating an evacuation plan

For individuals that may have difficulty evacuating during an emergency evacuation of university buildings, completion of one of the PEEP forms below will required. Personal details provided will be administered on a confidential basis, protecting anonymity if required. PEEP documents will be reviewed by the Fire Safety team. 

Each PEEP form contains generic arrangements that apply to most individual’s needs. Where necessary further adjustments will be tailored to the individual and could include physical assistance, technical aids, more suitable accommodation and training. PEEP arrangements will attempt to take into account all areas on campus that are regularly frequented, whether for work or social activity.

Students living in the The Meadows, The Copse, University Quays or The Pastures, can inform the accommodation provider ULiving / Derwent FM/ BYES if a PEEP is required for accommodation areas.

PEEP forms

To create a PEEP, complete one of the following forms and send it to

If you are unsure which form to fill out, or if you have any concerns, please email and the Fire Safety team will create the form for you. Your email should contain as many details of your condition(s) and how these may affect you as you are comfortable sharing.

PEEP forms will be kept by Fire Safety for as long as it is required. Relevant details may be passed to others, but only if considered necessary. If circumstances change or a PEEP is no longer needed, details can be updated by Fire Safety or removed from records. 

Staff members can also contact Equality, Diversity and Inclusion by emailing Students may contact Student Services Hub.

Students living in the The Meadows, The Copse, University Quays or The Pastures, can inform the accommodation provider ULiving / Derwent FM/ BYES if a PEEP is required for accommodation areas.

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Contact us
Fire Safety Officers
Telephone: 01206 874847