Essex Armed Conflict and Crisis Hub

Our members

A global representation

Essex Armed Conflict and Crisis Hub members represent a range of disciplines and expertise from around the world.

Our members are involved in interdisciplinary projects and training programmes. We also regularly organise and participate in conflict-related events. If you are looking for an expert on armed conflict and crisis, you can also find details of our specific areas of research, or contact us via to find out more.

Essex Conflict Hub Members

Senior Research Officer, Essex Law School
Research interests: Human Rights Law; International Humanitarian Law (IHL); Law & Culture (including art & literature)
Professor (R) and Director NIHR Research Design Service, School of Health and Social Care
Senior Lecturer, Essex Law School
Research interests: Public International Law; International Criminal Law; International Law applicable to Information and Communication Technologies, and in Cyberspace; International Humanitarian Law
Lecturer, Essex Law School
Research interests: Intelligence and Security; Public International Law; Human Rights; Social Science Approaches to International Law
Professor, Department of Literature Film and Theatre Studies (LiFTS)
Research interests: Media and Democratization; Arab Media; Journalistic Practices and Models; Media Systems; Media in Transitions; Media Policy
Head of Department - Professor (R), Department of Government
Professor, Essex Law School
Research interests: International Refugee Law; Extradition Law; International Criminal Law; International Humanitarian Law; International Human Rights Law; International Minority Rights Law; Acute Crises and Displacement
Senior Lecturer, Essex Law School
Research interests: Environmental Law; International Criminal Law; Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism
Lecturer, Essex Law School
Professor, Essex Law School
Research interests: Laws of armed conflict; Environmental law; Human rights and the environment
Reader (R), Department of Government
Research interests: comparative politics; mixed methods inference; formal theory; field research design; Sub-Saharan Africa; indigenous governance; public goods provision
Professor, School of Health and Social Care
Professor, Department of Government
Research interests: Authoritarian Regimes; International Development; Third World Politics
Senior Lecturer, Essex Law School
Director of Centre for Public and Policy Engagement - Professor (R), School of Philosophical, Historical, and Interdisciplinary Studies
Research interests: History of gender; History of psychology and psychoanalysis; History of subjectivity; History of war and trauma; Historiography and historical theory; Empathy and emotion in medical training
Professor, Essex Law School - Human Rights Centre
Professor, Essex Law School
Research interests: Medical Law; Business and human rights; Transitional Justice, with a particular focus on the Colombian peace process, socio-economic dimensions of TJ and the inclusion of economic actors in TJ processes; Health Care Law and Human Rights
Professor, School of Philosophical, Historical, and Interdisciplinary Studies
Research interests: I am a social and cultural historian of modern warfare
Professor, Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies
Research interests: Involuntary dislocation (forced migration), trauma and refugees; Working with survivors of violence (torture) and disasters; Psychosocial humanitarian interventions; Psychosocial perspectives on Human Rights; The interface between Analytical Psychology and systems, family therapy, and culture; Epistemology of therapeutic endeavours; Academic and professional interface with Eastern Orthodox Christianity.
Reader (R), Department of Government
Research interests: Civil conflict; Terrorism; Organised crime
Lecturer, Essex Law School
Research interests: the use of force by States (jus ad bellum); outer space security; victims of aggression; international human rights law; international peace and security law; UN collective security; new and emerging technologies and use of force
Professor, Essex Law School
Research interests: Public International Law; International Human Rights Law; Transitional Justice; Legal Theory; Constitutional Law; Business and Human Rights; Reparations
Lecturer, Essex Law School
Senior Lecturer, Essex Law School
Research interests: Law of Armed Conflict/International Humanitarian Law; Law and Armed Conflict in Africa; The Law of Non-International Armed Conflict
Professor, Department of Government


Conor Foley


Essex Armed Conflict and Crisis Hub, University of Essex

Conor has worked for a variety of organizations including UN DPKO, UNHCR, UN-Habitat and Amnesty International, in over twenty conflict and post-conflict zones.

Professor Charles Garraway


Essex Armed Conflict and Crisis Hub, University of Essex

Liz Griffin


Essex Armed Conflict and Crisis Hub, University of Essex

Professor Liz Griffin is an academic and practitioner with a specialization in the theory and practice of human rights. Liz is Honorary Professor, University of Pretoria Centre for Human Rights.

Dr Claire Simmons


Essex Armed Conflict and Crisis Hub, University of Essex

Dr Claire Simmons is a Fellow of the Human Rights Centre and Essex Armed Conflict and Crisis Hub. She is also Senior Lecturer in the Department of International Affairs, Faculty for the Study of Leadership, Security and Warfare at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. Claire completed her PhD at the University of Essex Law School in 2021, on the independence and impartiality of military investigations into violations of international humanitarian law. She was previously a researcher in the Essex Armed Conflict and Crisis Hub, working on various projects related to international humanitarian law and human rights. She is one of the authors of the "Guidelines on Investigating Violations of International Humanitarian Law: Law, Policy, and Good Practice" published by the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Claire has experience working on international humanitarian law and human rights in academic institutions and non-profit organisations in Thailand, France and the UK.