Meet the members of our community

We're proud of the various members that make our community at the Essex Transitional Justice Network. Core to our network is our members at the University of Essex, but our community is rich with postgraduate research students, Essex alumni, research fellows and external researchers who also contribute to our activities in various ways.

If you'd like to become part of our network, engage in our activities or are interested in postgraduate research supervision opportunities, please contact us or a member of our team through our staff profiles for more information.



Meet our members

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Professor Carla Ferstman

Essex Law School, University of Essex

Professor Noam Lubell

Human Rights Centre, University of Essex

Dr Tara Van Ho

Essex Law School, University of Essex

Dr Anil Yilmaz Vastardis

Essex Law School, University of Essex

Professor Geoff Gilbert

Essex Law School, University of Essex

Director of the Human Rights Centre

Dr Katya Al Khateeb

Essex Law School, University of Essex

Professor Karen Hulme

Essex Law School, University of Essex

Dr Tuba Turan

Essex Law School, University of Essex

Professor Clara Sandoval-Villalba

Essex Law School, University of Essex

Dr Ebba Lekvall

Essex Law School, University of Essex

Professor Lorna McGregor

Essex Law School, University of Essex

Professor Fabian Freyenhagen

School of Philosophy and Art History, University of Essex

Professor Peter Bloom

Essex Business School, University of Essex

Professor Shohini Chaudhuri

Department of Literature, Film and Theatre STudies, University of Essex

Professor Han Dorussen

Department of Government, University of Essex

Professor Ismene Gizelis

Department of Government, University of Essex

Professor Moya Lloyd

Department of Government, University of Essex

Professor Kristian Gleditsch

Department of Government, University of Essex

Dr Zorzeta Bakaki

Department of Government, University of Essex

Dr Brian Phillips

Department of Government, University of Essex

Professor Faten Ghosn

Department of Government, University of Essex

Dr Sara Polo

Department of Government, University of Essex

Dr Chris Nicholson

Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex

Professor Renos Papadopoulos

Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex

Dr Carlos Gigoux Gramegna

Department of Sociology and Criminology, University of Essex

Dr Carlos Solar

Department of Sociology and Criminology, University of Essex

Professor Colin Samson

Department of Sociology and Criminology, University of Essex

Professor Nigel South

Department of Sociology and Criminology, University of Essex

Senior Research Officer

Essex Transitional Justice Network, Human Rights Centre

PhD student

Department of Sociology and Criminology, The London School of Economics and Political Science

Sweeping views across the lake towards central campus
Essex Transitional Justice Network

One of the leading projects of the Human Rights Centre, we address hard questions in theory and practice related to the challenges faced by societies undergoing fundamental socio-political change, notably the transition from a repressive to a democratic regime, or from conflict to peace, and trying to reckon with the legacies of mass atrocities. Learn more about our work.

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The lakes at Wivenhoe Park
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Essex Transitional Justice Network